-chapter ii.

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Teenage Fever-Drake

Teenage Fever-Drake

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Milaydie's POV.

I wasn't planning on rooming with Gigi freaking Hadid.

My roommate looks straight out of a Victoria Secret show. Really, this girl looks like an absolute angel with her shiny blonde hair, long tanned legs and not to mention, expensive looking Pinterest-like outfit.

Azalea White is a walking ball of sunshine, with her constant babbling and giggles. She made me feel so welcomed and decided that we were going to be best friends.

I love her already.

She's currently telling me about all the different cliques, the people I should not associate with and all that jazz.

''There's this trio of girls that you should just ignore, seriously, not only their perfumes smell like shit but they're total bitches. A waste of time if you ask me,'' She says sitting on her bed, with some random fashion magazine on her lap.

I look at her trying not to laugh, ''Please don't tell me this is a bad remake of Mean Girls?''

She sighs dramatically, ''Ugh I wish, the wardrobe for this movie was so cool. But seriously miss Queen Bee's name is Olivia Richardson. Her pathetic followers are Charlotte Langston and Sophia Trevino. Just don't get close to them trust me, it's better that way.''

I continue to listen to her endless comments about key people to not mess with, not thinking much of it.

''Oh and there's this group of guys, they always stuck together since freshman year especially during the games of Fugitive we do on friday nights. I hooked up with one of them actually, Aiden Scott, he's the star Quarterback of our football team,'' She says. ''He's kind of self-absorbed. You know the type of guy that gets off to the thought of his own dick,'' She adds with a grimace.

''Oh damn okay, what about the three others? What's their names?'' I say trying to change the subject to something non dick related.

She gets up and sit in front of me, on my bed like she's about to spill the biggest secret of the century, ''Okay so there's Romeo Hunt, he's the sweetest guy ever, the only bad thing about him is that he hangs out with these guys,'' She starts, ''Then there's Kai Jackson, he's super hot and plays guitar like a God. Seriously, the dude is insanely talented, but he got arrested a few times so he got kicked out of the band he played for,'' She continues, ''And the last one is Reed Maxwell, I don't have much to say about him besides that he's involved with drugs a lot. He's super mysterious,'' She finishes, catching her breath.

''So I should stay away. Got it,'' I say with a nod. ''What's this Fugitive thing you talked about?'' I add.

''It's a big outdoor game of cops and robbers we do on fridays. It's exclusive to Juniors and Seniors, people take it pretty seriously around here,'' She explains, ''You totally have to come friday, there's a party at someone's house after.''

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