-chapter xix.

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Moonlight- Chase Atlantic

Moonlight- Chase Atlantic

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Reed's POV.


Today is a bad day.

First, I cheated on my math test and still somehow failed it.

Then, I was late to my basketball practice and coach made me run laps around the fucking field in the cold ass weather.

And finally, I got a call from the guy at the rink who wants to talk.

Oh and on top of that, Milay didn't feel good so she didn't come to class today.

As I said, shitty day.

So I am currently on my way to the rink, to get this over with. Now that Ray is dead, I am pretty confident that I won't have to sell anymore.

I still can't forget the fact that Ray, could very much be Milay's father.

While this doesn't change the way I feel about her, it could change the way she looks at me. What if she finds out that I used to sell drugs and that I know who murdered her father?

She probably has no idea that her dad was in charge of this whole illegal drugs cartel, in the first place.

This could change everything.

I turn up the volume of the radio, to drown my thoughts.

If I keep overthinking this, my brain will explode.

Parking in my usual place, I get out of my car and walk to the large bulding, made to look like a restaurant but is only a cover up for the business.

I walk in and greet the lady that works the bar in the front.

I continue to make my way over to the stairs but she calls out to me.

''Honey,'' I turn around with a confused expression, ''He wants you in the meeting room, not his office,'' She says, turning back to the whiskey glasses she is cleaning.

I have no idea who ''He'' is but I entend on finding out.

Walking in the large meeting room, I spot three men. Two of them are familiar, but the other isn't.

He looks in his early thirties, dark hair, dark eyes, he is wearing an all black suit and is sitting at the end of the marble table like he owns the place.

"I'm Mitchell Vaceri, you're Reed Maxwell?" The man asks, getting up from his seat to shake my hand.

I briefly shake his hand, "Yeah."

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