-chapter xiii.

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Heaven and Back- Chase Atlantic

Heaven and Back- Chase Atlantic

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Reed's POV.

At first, I thought Kai was playing a prank on me.

He is the only one who knows about James and I can't bring myself to believe it could really be him calling.

After 3 years, no calls, no text, nothing, could it really be him calling me?

James was one of the guys I used to work with. The same thing that happened to me with Ray, happened to him. We became friends at the racing spot, the two of us being the youngest ones there.

He just disappeared 3 years ago without saying anything.

Why would he call now?

Before the call goes to voicemail, I answer.

The person only speaks two words, but I know already that it is him.

"He died," James says. His voice haven't changed since I last spoke to him.


I take a breath, ''Who died?''

There is a small pause and then he says the one word that made my eyes buldge out of my fucking skull.


I drop my phone and it lands on the bed. My head is spinning like a damn carousel and I have too many questions in mind.




After starring at the phone that's on my bed for a few seconds, I take it back and start asking my questions.

''When did he die?'' I ask, my voice shaking.

''A few days ago, bastard got what was coming for him,'' He answers, his voice void of emotions and hard.

I let out a breath, maybe of relief or fear and somehow find my voice to ask my other question, ''How?''

His answer is short, ''Don't worry about it.''

''Do,'' I swallow the lump in my throat, ''Do they know who did it?''

James sighs, ''I know you ain't a snitch so I'll be honest Reed,'' He starts, ''I was with a guy, Ray said something about my mom and it just happened.''

Holy shit.

Ray is dead and James is the one who killed him.

Wait then, what happens to my deal?

''Look I got to go but I'll be at the rink friday, take care bro,'' He says before hanging up.

It takes me a few minutes before I actually understand what the fuck just happened.

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