-chapter xxix.

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Grey- Why Don't We

Grey- Why Don't We

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Milaydie's POV.


I haven't talked to Reed in two days.

It was weekend, and I spent it locked up in my room. Naya stayed with me the night I found out and the next day, Romeo stopped by.

I love my friends, I really do but I really wanted to be alone. I was so lost with my thoughts and needed to clear my head desperately.

I came to the conclusion that I am not mad at Reed, not at all, but I am hurt. Out of all people, I never expected him to lie to me. I put my trust issues aside for him, and he still managed to break them.

It is Monday now and there is only one week left before Christmas break. I have no idea where I'll even spend the holidays. Mom and I aren't on speaking terms right now.

I have no family to go home to anymore and campus needs to be empty for the break. And I would never intrude in one of my friends family.

That also means I have to sit through a week worth of classes with Reed.

I love him, I really do, so much no matter how hurt and disappointed I am.

I don't think I could ever forget the look of remorse and hurt on his face when I told him that I needed time to get over all of this.

But I do need time.

If he didn't tell me this, how much more lies and secrets is there in our relationship? I want to believe that he only hid this from me, but I can't help to think that maybe there is much more I don't know.

I walk faster, seeing as classes will start in less than ten minutes. My skirt keeps getting caught in the wind, and I am afraid I will flash someone.

Once I get to my locker safe and sound, thankfully without showing my underwear to everyone, I feel a wave of sadness.

That is where we used to meet up in the morning.

''Reed stop walking so fast!'' I hear a panting Romeo say from somewhere in the corridor, and I clutch my books thighter to my chest.

I see them walking toward me and I just keep my head down, walking through the sea of people crowding the halls when my name gets called out.

''Milay, sweetie hey!'' Ro waves at me and I give him a small wave before we leaving. I don't want to keep Reed's friends away from him, when the problem is between the two of us.

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