-chapter xxi.

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Line Without a Hook- Ricky Montgomery.

Line Without a Hook- Ricky Montgomery

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Reed's POV.



You can be addicted to a lot of different things in life.

Alcohol, coffee, drugs, people.

People. One person in particular for me.

Milaydie Lucero.

I tried to find a good way to describe the way I feel toward Milaydie.

And as an ex drug addict, it wasn't so hard to notice how addicted I was to this girl.

Her laugh, her smile, the way she talks, the way she looks at me.

I am obsessed with her, there is no other way to put it.

To say that she used to hate me and I used to find her incredibly annoying, blows my mind.

We have this insane bond and chemistry, that I never thought I would find with anyone.

I feel comfortable enough to open up to her and trust her like I have known her forever.

But there is one thing that I can't find myself strong enough to tell her. And it is the fact that I knew her father.

I mean, come on. How am I supposed to say to the girl I like that I used to sell drugs for her father and know who his killer is?

I look at her, laying next to me. Her back is against my front and my arm is around her waist. My head is laying besides hers and it is the first time I have felt at home in a while.

It is three a.m and I am laying awake, overthinking all my feelings for her.

I hear a noise from the other side of the room, I lift my head to see Romeo sitting up in his bed.

''I know you're awake dude,'' He says with a sleepy voice.

I chuckle, I swear this guy knows me better than I know myself, ''Why are you awake?'' I sit up, trying not to wake up Milay by moving.

The moonlight lights up our room a little so I see him shrug from his bed, ''I took a long nap earlier so I can't seem to fall asleep now,'' He whispers.

I nod and my gaze goes back to Milay's face. This girl is truly the most beautiful person I have ever seen.

I run my hand in her hair, still looking at her face when Romeo speaks up again, ''I never thought I'd see you being in love but I am really happy for you.''

In love? Am I?

We have known each other for less than three months, but I have read somewhere that you can fall in love in less than a few weeks

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