-chapter xii.

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Till Forever Falls Apart- Ashe, FINNEAS

Till Forever Falls Apart- Ashe, FINNEAS

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Reed's POV.

That moment when you wake up and you have no idea who or where you are, is exactly what I am feeling right now.

I stay into oblivion for a few more seconds, until I become aware of the feeling of something smooth, tickling my chin and feel something, rather someone, stir beside to me.

Opening my eyes, I look down at who it is who's laying next to me.

Milaydie's back is pressed against my chest, one of my arm resting on her hip, full-on cuddling her.

Well damn, would you look at that.

Her long brown hair is all over the pillow and on my neck and I can hear her steady breathing really close to me.

On my other side, there is this snoring ball of sunshine, known as my best friend. Half of Romeo's body is falling off the bed and he is snoring like a pig.

Should've brought earplugs.

I close my eyes again, too tired to move, and feel Milaydie's body cuddle further into mine. At this point I am spooning her.

And I am not pulling away.

I never get shown affection by anyone other than Romeo and don't get me wrong, I love him but it feels good to get it from someone else.
I never cuddled with someone before and the foreign feeling is something I could easily get used to.

Even if it's someone that usually doesn't really appreciate me.

I wonder what happened to her. She looked so destroyed yesterday, and seeing her cry herself to sleep reminded me of myself a few years ago.

Here is the thing with Milaydie, if I am being honest, the girl intrigues me. A lot.

I can see that there is so much more to her than what she is showing. She has been though a lot, the  look in her eyes, the same one I saw in my own, tells me that much.

I don't think the rest noticed that lingering look of sadness and fear in her eyes, that never seems to leave.

And I want to know more.

It's like I am drawn to her, she is secretive and it makes me want to see what it is that she's lived through.

What made her like this?

What hurt her so bad, that she puts up this facade?

Besides, if I have to spend the rest of the year with her mysterious little self, I might as well get in her good graces and get to know her, right?

I hear the others starting to wake up, and lean on my side, facing a waking Romeo.

I will scare him. It'll be my revenge for the time he threw a glass of water on my face.

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