- epilogue.

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Stream the entire unexpected playlist (link in my bio)

Stream the entire unexpected playlist (link in my bio)

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Reed's POV.
1 year later.

''Congratulations,'' The coach gets up to shake my hand, ''I am glad that our team has you as a captain this season.''

''Thank you sir,'' I grab my bag, walking over to the door of the meeting room.

That's right, I am officially the captain of the basketball team at Columbia in my first year. I fell in love with the school here, especially the team. I have made such great friends and met some truly amazing people.

But going home is still my favorite thing.

I step in the corridor, taking out my phone to read a text from Ro, telling me he is waiting by my car.

''I have been waiting for nearly twenty minutes, I hope this meeting was worth it,'' My lovely best friend gives me shit at four in the afternoon, after I spent my entire day trying not to fall asleep in class.

I smirk unlocking the car, ''Umh it was worth it.''

''Oh what? Did you win a few millions?''

I roll my eyes, sitting in the driver seat, ''I got the place of captain.''

Romeo gasps, ''Oh my, that means you have even more chances of being noticed by recruiters of the NBA?''

I nod, ''It does.''

We spend the entire ride home talking about what we are going to do when I get drafted in the NBA and get rich. One of the best thing about us being in New York together is that we live in the same apartment building. We also have the same school hours most of the time, so we drive there together.

Romeo is thriving in his law program. He doesn't know yet what path he will pursue in law, but I am not worried about him. He will figure it out.

As of our other friends, Naya does in fact live in the same building, working part time for this fashion company when she isn't at school. Kai DJ's in different festivals, while studying online for a music major. He wants to get into producing.

Azalea and Aiden are in California. He got a full ride scolarship to UCLA for the football team and she is currently doing a theater major.

All of us still see each other all the time. Nothing besides a little bit of distance has changed since high school.

I park my car, and say goodbye to Ro as I make my way to the elevator. He lives on the other side of the building on the main floor. I like heights so of course, the apartment is on the sixteenth floor, having a mindblowing view of the New York scenery.

I pull out my keys, unlocking the door I hear faint classical music and a smile makes it's way onto my face almost instantly. I smell the food cooking in the kitchen, proably lasagna as I drop my stuff and walk in the room.

Milaydie is sitting at the kitchen table, reading through some textbooks, highlighter in hand while soflty humming to the track playing in the apartment. There is in fact a lasagna cooking in the oven.

She is loving Julliard. The dance program she is in got her so many opportunities, like the role in the GrandsBallet's Nutcracker production for the holidays coming up. She is working her ass off, staying late at dance practices almost everyday, and I couldn't be more proud of her.

I walk behind her, and she feels me standing there because she tilts her head back, smiling at me, ''Hi baby,'' I say wrapping my arms around her, my chin resting on the top of her hair.

''Hi,'' She closes her book and gets up to properly hug me, ''I missed you.''

She has been staying in late at the studio, working on some routines for the past few days, so when she gets home I am already in bed.

We got the apartment together the summer after high school. She had the choice of staying in the dorms there, the scolarship offering her that but she chose to stay here with me, taking the subway to school every day.

Sharing a place that we call home, made us get even closer. When we aren't at school, we are always spending time together. Even if she is sitting at the table, studying late at night and I am sitting on the couch watching TV, spending all the time I can with her makes me happy. So I just look at her and smile.

I am happy.

''I cooked your favorite since I had free time after class,'' She kisses the corner of my mouth.

I sigh contently, ''Thank you,'' I smile, ''I have exciting news.''

Her eyes widden in excitation, ''Oh what is it?''

I sit down on the sofa, pulling her onto my lap, ''I had a meeting today,'' I rest my hands on her thighs, her hands playing with my hair while she listens to me, ''I am now the captain of the team.''

She squeals, throwing her arms around my neck, squeezing the breath out of me, ''Oh my god no way! Congrats baby.''

I kiss the side of her head, so grateful that I have someone as amazing as her in my life.

Later that evening, after we had dinner and she finished her homework, we chill out watching a movie in our bed, the view of TimeSquare at night through the window looking like a dream.

I look down at Milay, her head is resting on my shoulder, her face hidden in my neck. Her bare shoulders barely peaking out of the comforter, with her left arm slug lazily around my naked chest.

Her hand rests on me, the rock on her finger shinning in the lights of the city.

Yeah, I did change it.

It is now a real engagement ring, the silver band has a single big diamond in the middle. I proposed a few months ago, on the rooftop where I first asked her out in Oakville.

I continue to admire her. It baffles me how good she still looks with her hair all over the place, her pouty lips parting on their own in her sleep.

My fiancé.

I kiss the top of her head, whispering, ''You were so unexpected,'' I brush her hair out of her face, ''I love you.''


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