-chapter xxxi.

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You Get Me So High- The Neighborhood

-Warning: Tiny bit of spice...-

Milaydie's POV

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Milaydie's POV.


Waking up this morning, I had this lightness in my chest that hadn't been there in a week.

Reed is sleeping completely on top of me, with his head on my chest and his arms around me in a vise grip. I feel like my lungs are going to collapse, but I don't care, as long as he is with me.

I can hear his steady heartbeat and I run my hand through his messy hair.

We are leaving this morning to go to Romeo's parents house and I won't lie, I am very nervous. They are Reed's family as well and I want to make a good impression. He told me that they were excited to meet me and that they are super welcoming, so that helped calming me a little.

I continue to  stare down at him, his face looking really peaceful. His breathing is deep, and he has the smallest, contented smile on his face. I play in his hair until I feel him start to wake up. He burries his face further in my chest when he opens his eyes, the sun blinding him. 

I smile down at him when he looks at me with those adorable tired eyes, ''Good morning baby.''

''Morning, gorgeous,'' He says in his raspy morning voice that makes my insides melt, and smiles at me.

I can feel that he is falling asleep again so I pinch his arm to keep him awake, to which he lets out a dramatic 'oww' and playfully bites my collarbone, ''You can't fall asleep, we have to leave in a few hours,'' I tell him.

He groans, ''I know, but I am mentally preparing for the hours of Romeo screaming Christmas songs in the car.''

I snort, ''I'll join him to piss you off.''

He suddently looks up and narrows his eyes, ''You wouldn't dare.''

I smirk and he starts tickling my sides, knowing damn well that this is my weak spot. I hate getting tickled, it is truly the worst thing in the world.

I push him away, ''Reed Maxwell, if you don't stop right at this instant, I will pitch a fit and you'll never hear the end of it.''

''Alright, alright,'' He raises his hands in surrender, ''But please don't encourage Ro, I need my cuddle buddy in the back.''

I nod, ''Okay fine,'' I throw the comforter to the side to get out of his bed, ''Now come on, we have to shower.''

It is his turn to smirk, ''Oh yeah definitely.''

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