-chapter viii.

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Sweater Weather-The Neighborhood

Sweater Weather-The Neighborhood

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Reed's POV.

I don't know what I am doing here, but I am currently sitting on a way too uncomfortable chair in front of the headmaster's office.

Actually, scratch that, I am probably here because of something to do with my uncle. That's what it is every time.

My uncle became my legal guardian when my mother died and I have seen him a grand total of 3 times in my life.

The moment he found out he was responsible for me, he sent me to Rutherford so he didn't have to watch after me.

I spend my holidays with Romeo's family, who practically adopted me at this point, since no one ever reaches out to me. I don't really care though, I was never close to them anyway.

Every time my uncle has something to tell me, instead of calling me himself, he gets the headmaster to do it.

What a pussy.

The door of the office opens and Mister Aubert tells me to come in.

Motioning for me to sit down he says, "Please take a seat."

I drop my bag on the floor and sit on the chair in front of his desk.

Mister Aubert clears his throat, ''So your uncle called and there is something that I have to ask you,'' He tells me.

I called it.

I nod my head, telling him to continue so we can get this over with.

''What are your plans for college?'' He asks me.

What does this have to do with my uncle?

''I don't know why he wants to know that, it's really none of his business,'' I answer arshly.

Mister Aubert lets out a sigh and looks me in the eye, ''He knows your dad left you money and wants to know what you plan of doing with it.''

That's it.

Nope, we're not discussing the money my father left me before he passed.

I get up from my seat, take my bag and walk out the door, slamming it behind me.

I always knew my uncle was very interested in the money dad left me. I don't understand why though, considering how rich he is.

I do know what I am going to do next year.

College was always my plan. I'll study in business and will re-open my dad's firm that mom never wanted to deal with after his death.

I had one parent that cared, and I plan on making him proud.

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