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"It's too early in the morning for the gory details of your night, Connor please," I groaned, rubbing my temples and searching for the cup of coffee I'd placed on the bed side table.

Connor was propped up on the end of my bed, wearing the hotel robe and nothing else as if he was gods gift. Liv had kept her promise and ordered us all room service, coffee and bagels arriving with her as she woke me up from a deep slumber.

"Yeah I've heard enough as well... But Sull, I did some digging about Bont and that girl he brought with him last night," Liv started wiggling her eyebrows.

"Apparently she's some chick that Dunks introduced him to and they barely even know each other... And they definitely haven't banged according to Caleb who keeps his ear to the ground with these things," She informed and I didn't interrupt her because I always enjoyed a bit of detective Liv.

"Interesting that Caleb's keeping tabs on who's getting their dick wet... Wouldn't have anything to do with you holding a gun to his head?" I asked, picking up a strawberry and taking a bite.

"I'll have you know that I went to great lengths to get this information because I'm a great friend so fuck you," She joked, flipping me off.

"Well I appreciate you but I already know all of that," I replied, watching her eyebrows furrow.

"Did you speak to him?" She gasped, putting her coffee down so she could focus all of her attention on me.

"Oh that's who was here last night?" Connor piped up reaching over for a bunch of grapes.

I darted my eyes over to him, "You literally threatened him in that lounge room, mate," I said, unable to fathom the fact he didn't remember last night's events.

Connor grimaced, "I'll probably have to apologise for that," He admitted earning a nod from both Liv and me.

"Okay so what, he came to your room to talk?" She asked curiously, enthralled at the concept of Marcus and I finally talking after all this time.

"Yeah, he explained what was going on with Jess... And then had his life threatened by this knob," I explained shooting a glare towards Connor who just munched away on his fruit, unfazed.

"Did you just talk...?" Liv said, a smirk appearing on her face slowly.

I sighed, "Yeah unfortunately," I joked earning a laugh from Liv.

"That's a first for you two..." She teased and I rolled my eyes.

"I think it was more than reasonable that we kept it strictly above board when most of the conversation was about the fact he showed up at a public event with another girl..." I defended earning a scoff from Connor.

"Your name and 'above board' are two things that have never been said in the same sentence," He stated.

"Well I will admit that the thought did cross my mind to shoot my shot and fuck him senseless but I didn't so I'd like a round of applause please," I requested. Both Connor and Liv gave me a round of golf claps and I bowed my head, accepting the praise.

"Knowing you two, it won't be long until one of you gives in and my moneys' on you," Liv suggested with a devilish smirk.

"He's pretty sexy though and Sull's gaggin' for it, I can see it in her eyes," Connor countered and Liv nodded.

"It's neck and neck for sure. Hundred bucks," She suggested, holding her hand out to make a deal with Connor who was way too eager to agree to the bet.

"Just want to remind you both that we're not animals," I stated.

Liv scoffed into her mug and quirked an eyebrow, "Three words: Walk. In. Closet."

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now