one-hundred & twenty-two.

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This wasn't the first time that I'd witnessed Connor being handcuffed and shoved into the back of a police car – and it probably wasn't going to be the last. The wash of red and blue lights spilling across his solemn face broke my heart as he looked out the window, watching two of his best mates being attended to by paramedics. It was gut wrenching and although I wanted to look away, I couldn't. We had been through so much together but lately he had really pushed everyone to their limits.

There was only so much people would put up with before they gave up on someone and I could tell that there were a few already writing Connor off, including Marcus.

"Button this up, baby," He said quietly and placed his large denim jacket over my shoulders, attempting to warm my shivering body.

"Thanks," I whispered as I looked over and noticed the police car was driving off with Connor, presumably taking him to the station to sober up.

Tom was standing in the middle of the street with his arms crossed and didn't turn around until the cop car was out of sight. I could tell he felt as helpless as I did but I wasn't about to say that to the angry mob that had all turned on Connor. I understood why they were upset but I couldn't comprehend how they didn't see that he needed help – or maybe they didn't want to see it after what he'd done to our friends.

"I'm pressing charges and I don't give a fuck what you say," Louise said, holding Jake's hand tightly while he got cleaned up in the back of an ambulance.

"We're not talking about this right now. I just want to get home and tuck our kid into bed, okay?" He whispered, trying to calm down his wife who was justifiably shaken by what had happened.

"That won't be happening tonight, mate. We're gonna take you to the Royal Melbourne and get this gash cleaned and stitched up... It's a lot deeper than it looks," The paramedic said and Jake sighed with frustration as I stepped closer to the couple.

"I will go relieve the babysitter and stay over. Everything will be okay," I rested my hand on his shoulder, reassuring him and Louise that their son would be looked after.

Jake furrowed his brows, "Are you sure? It's been full on tonight and I don't wanna add more stress-"

"I'll be less stressed if I get to snuggle that little angel so it's all good, I promise. Just get yourself sorted and call me when you're on your way home," I insisted and gave Jake a reassuring hug before turning to Louise.

"Just focus on getting this lug home safe and sound," I whispered as I pressed a kiss to her cheek and turned around to see James being stretchered into the back of the ambulance across the road.

"I'll see you at home, babe," Danny said as he pressed a kiss to Dion's forehead and jumped into the ambulance with James.

I quickly and carefully ran across the street and got there just before the back doors closed, "Text me updates please," I begged and Danny nodded before the paramedic ushered me out of the way so he could close the doors and get James to hospital.

"What a fucking nightmare," I said to Dion who pulled my weary body into his, both of us just helplessly watching as the two ambulances rushed off down Russell Street.

"This really puts your disappearing act in Europe to shame," He replied with a chuckle as I craned my neck up and mirrored his expression.

"Which time?" I teased back, trying to find a little levity in such a dire situation.

Dion sighed and walked me back over to where everyone was standing. There were even a couple of fans who had noticed something was going on and had stayed to see if they could help. Obviously they couldn't – nobody could but I appreciated that they cared and respected us enough to not invade our privacy. Mitch was the first one to call it a night since he and Emily had to relieve her parents from baby-sitting duties.

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now