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I could list a thousand moments where I felt as if I was floating on air. Playing a headlining show at Wembley Arena, having our album reach number one in multiple countries or even that unassuming morning when the love of my life asked me to be his wife. All those moments had one thing in common; they were a once in a lifetime event. Never to be replicated again.

But there was something extra special about walking through the dimly lit English Elm's that rustled on those cold, windy nights. The footsteps of hundreds of people, young and old, marching towards the big stage, ready to watch their club fight for the ultimate glory. Those dark, looming Elm trees lined the veins that lead to the beating heart and home of football. The mighty Melbourne Cricket Ground.

It was as glorious as I remembered and no doubt a year without it made the heart grow fonder but that moment where the trees open up and you see those big, bright lights shining down on the greatest sporting venue in the world was unmatched. You could guarantee that no matter how many times you walked those paths, you couldn't help but feel like you were floating with anticipation.

There was no place like it anywhere in the world.

"Holy shit," Dion spoke up with his raspy American accent as he experienced this magical moment for the very first time.

"I know," I simply said as I glanced over to observe his wide eyes and slack jaw, taking it all in like we did as kids, "It's magnificent every single time."

It was a cool evening, not quite the depths of winter cold but brisk enough to require a jacket and boots. There was really no other way to enjoy the footy than snuggled up with a scarf or even a poncho on those wet wintery nights. Thankfully we were sans poncho and only required a couple of thick layers to keep warm, knowing we would have a quick uber home after the game.

"Jet! Come back here, please," Jake yelled behind me as his son dashed off in front of us, trying to catch another glimpse of the bright lights overhead and looking just as awe-struck as Dion.

"It's like the sun but at night time, Aunty Cate!" Jet squealed and clutched my light denim jeans tightly before linking our hands together.

I chuckled, "It does look like that doesn't it?" I agreed as he tugged on my arm with untainted excitement. I'd never seen a 5 year old that excited over anything in my life.

"I wanna get a shirt like Daddy and Uncle Danny," Jet shouted as we bounded up the staircase, one step at a time so his little legs could stay balanced.

I nodded, "That can be the first thing we do when we get in there and maybe get some chippies because I'm starving," I said as Jake walked up beside us and reached out to pick Jet up, noticing that the crowd was a lot bigger than we'd expected.

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now