seventy-seven. *

313 9 2

* 18+ Content Warning 


I heard my name being called from the other end of the house, disrupting me from my thoughts as I sat on the couch trying to get some writing done in peace. The voice echoing through the house belonged to Marcus and there was a part of me that wanted to pretend like I hadn't heard him so I didn't have to get up but when he called my name again, I started to feel bad for ignoring him.

"Where are you?" I yelled back as I pushed myself off the couch and started padding down the passageway towards the wing of spare rooms.

As I rounded the corner, I looked into the room where a small gym was set up and found Marcus' laying down with his legs hanging over each side of the bench press.

"I need you to spot me please because I nearly killed myself with this weight," He said as he sat up and looked over at me in the doorway.

I took a second to drink in his appearance, suddenly feeling a hot flush wash over me. He was sans shirt and the sweat glistening over his chest was fuelling the heat from the hot flush but the very tight shorts and the hair tied into a bun was what really got the endorphins running. As much as I would've loved to stare longer, the last thing I wanted was for Marcus to know how flustered I was so I looked down into his pleading brown eyes as a distraction.

"If that thing is going to fall on your face, there's no way my twig arms are going to stop it," I said, looking at the weights behind Marcus' head with wide eyes.

"You'd just have to push it off me so it doesn't crush my chest," He said nonchalantly with a small smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.

I scoffed, "Oh yeah just casually save my boyfriend from being crushed to death. Cool," I said sarcastically as Marcus wiped his hands on his shorts before laying down and scooting underneath the bar.

"Just come and stand behind my head, baby," He directed as I huffed and gave in, knowing that he was going to do it anyway and I'd much rather be there if something bad did happen rather than leave him high and dry.

And the view was magnificent.

Marcus' big hands gripped the bar and lifted it carefully off the stand, flickering his eyes to each side making sure they were securely off before bringing it down towards his chest. The grunt that left his throat as every muscle in his arms bulged under his taught skin sounded exactly like the noises he was breathing in my ear last night as he pounded into me, the sound immediately transporting me back. His tight chest puffed out in time with his sharp hips that were bucking off the bench and the groans leaving his lips were making it difficult to keep an eye on the job, even though a part of me wondered whether this was all a ploy to get me in here and see this glorified pornography in session.

"Okay two more," Marcus breathed as he lifted the bar down and up a couple more times, the grunts getting louder each time before he slowly pushed it up and I hooked my fingers around it just in case it slipped out of his slick hands. Because every part of his body was sweating and so was mine from doing absolutely nothing.

Marcus sat up and took a couple of deep breaths as I watched his back muscles contract. He grabbed a towel that he'd brought in and wiped his face before spinning around 90 degrees on the bench, looking up at me with a smirk and a playful glint in his eye.

"Ta," Marcus simply said as I returned the smirk and rolled my eyes a little.

"Any time," I replied as I started walking out of the room but was stopped by a fistful of fingers reaching out and grabbing the hem on my cotton shorts.

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now