thirty-six. *

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"I don't remember this movie being so... pervy," Marcus whispered, eyes glued to the projector.

Marcus and I found ourselves snuggled together on one of the 2-seater couches, sitting closer as the movie went on. All of the couches and beanbags had blankets and pillows over them since it was only about 7 degrees outside and the room had no heating so we made sure we snagged a duvet before everyone arrived.

I chuckled quietly, "Yeah it definitely hasn't aged well but the songs still slap," I murmured back earning an agreeing nod from Marcus.

Miraculously, we had managed to clear the room out completely so the smallish congregation Josh had rallied together could enjoy the movie. Tom had messaged both Josh and I to say that he didn't feel up to driving all the way over to Kew since they had an early training session tomorrow and I didn't blame him for wanting to take it easy.

Liv and Caleb showed up first and they'd carpooled with Bailey Smith who I was always happy to see. Tim English who I'd only met once way back at Mitch's birthday last year turned up with his girlfriend, Rudi who looked like a super model and I found out was great friends with Josh's sister Lara. Toby and his fiancé, Laura who I'd had dinner with last year rocked up with a directors cut of Grease on DVD even though Josh had queued it on Netflix before everyone arrived.

It was a great bunch and it was nice to meet a couple of the boys that I hadn't met yet or at least hadn't had much of a chance of getting to know. Liv seemed at home, making jokes with everyone and it was wonderful to see her find her people in a way. She'd struggled to settle into Melbourne when she first moved back but it was great that she had made some new meaningful friendships with Caleb's friends.

"I think a Drive-In cinema is my idea of a perfect date," I whispered softly to Marcus who had popped a snake lolly in his mouth.

He hummed with an inflection at the end as if to ask 'why' but considering his mouth was stuck shut from the lolly he thought it best not to try and speak.

I leaned in close to his ear, "You get to watch the first 15 minutes of a movie and then have sex in the back of a car... Best of both worlds," I whispered, pulling away with a smirk. Our loosely intertwined fingers had become tighter, a smirk crossing his lips as well.

Marcus pulled his phone out of his pocket and the screen lit up his face, "Brb, just booking tickets right now..." He whispered making me bite down on my bottom lip to stop myself from laughing.

"Shhh... and put your phone away," Liv scolded, leaning down behind us and giving me the evil eye.

"This isn't a real cinema and the movie is like 40 years old so calm down," I snapped back, twisting my neck so I could look up at her on the couch behind ours.

"Still... My favourite bit is coming up so shut up," She retorted back and readjusted herself under the blanket she was sharing with Caleb.

Marcus and I looked at each other and tried our hardest not to laugh as I shamelessly rested my head on his shoulder. It was about 9pm by the time we finished the movie and decided to make tracks since the boys had training in the morning and were all keen to get an early night. I hugged Josh and thanked him for a great afternoon and night before pulling Liv into a quick embrace.

"Have fun tonight," She whispered before letting my shoulders go.

I pulled away with a smirk and was met with an equally mischievous grin and quirked eyebrow. "You too," I said quietly back with a wink.

"You know the drill... Call me as soon as you get home tomorrow please and thank you," She said with a wave before turning around and climbing into Caleb's car.

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now