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"I've gotta say, I'm surprised that you're up already," I greeted Bailey as I walked out of the guest bathroom to see him standing in my kitchen, shirtless and with a glass held up to his lips.

After gulping down the water, he shook his head, "I'm going back to sleep," He stated, putting the glass down and rubbing his blood shot eyes.

I couldn't help but chuckle at him, "I don't blame you but I'll leave some paracetamol here for you if you need it," I said, placing down the box of hang over cures that we kept for mainly Connor or for any other stragglers like the men currently sprawled out on my couch. 

"You're amazing and thanks for letting us stay here. My mum would've killed me if I'd come home in that state last night," He rasped, pressing a couple of tablets out of the foil as I filled up his glass again.

"More than happy to have you both. We were going to take you back to Marcus' anyway so your sweet Mum would never have had to see you like that," I chuckled, placing the glass down in front of him as he threw his head back, swallowing the white pills with a gulp of water.

"I appreciate that," He said, walking back over to the couch where Aaron was still sound asleep.

"Tell Naughty to take something as well because I know what he's like after a couple of beers so he's going to be fucked when he wakes up," I said, shaking my head and placing the box down on the coffee table in front of the two boys.

Bailey nodded, "Will do," He said before resting his head back down on the pillows I'd brought out for them last night and pulling a throw blanket over his body.

I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge for myself and flicked the light off again, sending the apartment into darkness once again. It was only 5am and none of us needed to be anywhere until later in the morning. I quietly padded back into my bedroom to see Marcus' face lit up by his phone before he turned his attention to me.

"Are you alright?" He asked, propping himself up against the pillows behind his back and looking over at me with concerned eyes.

"Yeah, I just wasn't feeling well so I just grabbed a water and gave my box of hangover cures to the boys," I said quietly as I slid back into the warm confines of my bed.

"Are you coming down with something? Because I'll text Libba if you're not feeling well," Marcus said, making me shake my head not wanting to let him and Josie down with cancelling.

"Nah, I'm all good now," I said, swishing my mouth with water and smiling down at his worried face, "Seriously, I'm fine..." I said, brushing my hand over his jaw and leaning down to press a reassuring kiss to his pursed lips.

"You taste minty," He commented with a chuckle as he leaned in again to capture my lips before flipping himself on top of me and pinning me down.

A small squeal left my mouth, "Since when are you turned on by my mouthwash?" I laughed, placing my hands on his shoulders to push him away gently as I looked up into his brown eyes.

"Everything about you turns me on so just add mouthwash to the list," He teased, his curls tickling my face as he pressed a couple of kisses to my neck before collapsing beside me and spooning me with his strong arms.

"You're insane," I said, turning on my side as we drifted back to sleep, catching a couple more hours before heading to Libba's for a fun day of painting their new nursery. 

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Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now