seventy-five. *

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"I think we drank too much wine last night," I groaned as I felt Marcus stir awake beside me with blood shot eyes and a bird's nest for hair.

He nodded as his hands came up to rub his eyes, "My head is thumping"

Although my brain was also thumping against my skull, Marcus did look adorable as he pulled the duvet up around his chin and pretended like he hadn't woken up at all, the tiredness on his voice making me smile. I didn't blame him for wanting to prolong our sleep in because every single fibre of my being wanted to do the same, especially when he poked his arm out of the sheets and motioned for me to snuggle into his side.

"Just another hour," Marcus mumbled with his eyes closed and a small smile on his face as I scooted over, laying my head on his bare shoulder and linking our hands against the pillow.

"If you weren't so warm maybe I would've held my ground," I smirked, as Marcus cracked one of his eyes open and raised an eyebrow at me.

"So easily convinced," He teased before moving onto his side and turning me with him so his chest was pressed against my back.

Marcus nuzzled his face into my exposed neck and took a deep breath before snaking his hand around my waist and resting it flat against my cotton covered stomach. I brought my other hand down and placed it over his hand that was holding me in place, the soft sighs leaving Marcus' lips were almost enough to lull me back to sleep until he started peppering light kisses across my shoulder blade.

"Do you wanna go back to sleep?" Marcus whispered beside my ear as his hand that was resting on my stomach started trailing under the hem of my shirt. 

I closed my eyes and hummed, "Not really," I said, bring our linked hands that were beside my head down to my lips so I could press a kiss to his knuckles.

Marcus' crotch was firmly pressed against my backside and I could tell that he was definitely enjoying the very subtle movements I was making as his hand travelled down over the loose white cotton shorts I'd worn to bed. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the very light kisses that were being fluttered across my neck as Marcus' gentle fingertips teased me, causing a couple of lazy moans to escape my lips.

"That feels really good," I whispered as I bit down on my lip, slowly grinding against Marcus' hand and as a result meant I was brushing up against his hardening crotch, producing breathy groans into the back of my neck.

"I can tell, baby. You're so wet," He observed against my ear, sending a chill surging down my spine as I turned my head to look into his eyes.

"That's how much you turn me on," I whispered before capturing his lips that were only a few centimetres away from mine, moaning into the kiss.

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now