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"Sull, can you do my eyeliner for me please?" Liv yelled from my bathroom as I fixed the last loose curl I was putting through my hair.

"Yeah, give me a sec," I shouted back as Emily walked in with a glass of champagne for me to take.

"The only way you're going to get through tonight is with alcohol, trust me," She enthused with a bright smile that I gladly returned.

"You are an angel," I said, putting the curler down and taking the flute from her hand.

I turned around and clinked glasses with Anna, Tom Boyd's partner and Millie, Bailey Smith's girlfriend who were both sitting on the end of my bed, picking at the charcuterie boards I had made for everyone. I walked into the bathroom to see Liv doing up Josie's dress zipper because a lot had changed for Josie since she'd picked the dress out and even though she was thin, the fabric was definitely struggling to wrap around the gorgeous baby bump that was starting to show.

"Got it!" Liv exclaimed as Josie took a sigh of relief and chuckled.

"You look beautiful, Jose," I said, brushing my hand down her back and grabbing the eyeliner Liv was shoving in my face.

"Sit down on the edge of the bathtub," I said to Liv as I tested the eyeliner on the back of my hand and shook my head. 

"Its empty, Olivia. That's why you can't get a straight line," I laughed at Liv who just shrugged her shoulders.

I rushed out of the bedroom, nearly taking Mitch out who was coming in to get Emily to do his tie up for him and walked into the lounge room where the boys and Tiffany Wood were sitting on the couch, trying to organise cars to get us to Crown.

"Do you have eyeliner?" I asked Connor who was sitting beside Marcus who had a beer in one hand and his phone in the other, chatting to Tiff.

Connor nodded, "Of course I do," He smirked standing up and walking off to his bedroom.

"That dress is hot, Catie," Tiff said looking up from beside Easton who also had a bright smile on his face.

"Thank you... I feel a little funny dressing up like this, to be completely honest," I replied as Connor came limping back into the lounge room, armed with 3 eyeliner sticks.

"You'd do red carpet events all the time though, wouldn't you?" Baz asked, smoothing down his blonde mullet that looked freshly shampooed.

"Yeah but they're usually music ones where people rock up half naked or in wild outfits so it's less glamorous and more experimental. I think I wore a dress to one of those award shows once and never heard the end of it from the boys," I said, shoving Connor as he sat back down cackling.

"To be fair to us, we'd just come off warped tour and we were used to seeing you looking like a drowned rat everyday so we were just doing what good brothers do which is tease the shit out of ya," He defended making Tom laugh from his seat up at the dining table beside Tom Boyd.

"Yeah I'd expect nothing less," I rolled my eyes and made my way back to Liv who was still patiently waiting for me to return.

It wasn't long until we were all doing the finish touches on our make up and hair and making sure everything was secured. Marcus and Tiff had organised enough cars for everyone so while we waited for them to arrive, Liv made sure she got a photo of everyone before we left.

As I stood in the kitchen posting the photo Liv had sent me on instagram, Marcus walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You look extraordinary," He whispered in my ear with a quick kiss pressed to my collarbone, making my lips turn up into a small smile.

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now