one-hundred & forty-six.

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"Babe, you have to take off that jacket! You'll pass out!" Liv yelled over the music as we snuck in through the back of the nightclub.

I couldn't help but chuckle at my tipsy best friend and wondered how on earth I was going to control our already rowdy crew, "I'll be fine – you just worry about getting us some drinks," I replied and gently pushed her towards the bar that was 4 rows deep with patrons.

Liv poked out her tongue and sashayed through the crowd, loving herself sick in the blue playsuit she'd debated on wearing for an hour before we left the hotel. She was a force to be reckoned with on a night out and I was relieved that one of us could bring the good vibes and provide everyone with a great night out after what was an emotional day. Unfortunately the anxiety and back pain were prohibiting me from being that person but Liv had enough energy for the both of us, x10.

"You good?" Marcus asked as he snaked an arm around my waist, giving my side a soft squeeze under the thick leather jacket I was wearing to hide my bump.

I nodded and grasped his hand with a smile, "Great!" I shouted back and guided us both over to the VIP booth Hayden Crozier had secured for our party.

"Have we lost people already?!" Hayden asked as we strolled up and I shrugged, not really worrying too much about the group splitting considering the nightclub was 3 levels and the music was way too loud to even conjure a single thought.

"I'm sure they'll rear their ugly heads again at some point," Marcus replied, making both Hayden and I chuckle – he was right.

The art-deco exterior looked completely innocuous from the outside but the infamous nightclub, Magnet House here in Perth was anything but subtle. The bright neon lights lining the ceilings and the unrelenting smoke machines filling the air were in full force as the DJ played the latest house demos coming out of Ibiza. For an 18-21 year old demographic it was seemingly heaven on earth and they were the dominant majority tearing it up on the dance floor. It was pumping and so was my head after what had been an exhaustive day filled with every emotion under the sun.

As I sat down in the booth, observing all the characters surrounding us, I noticed Bailey and Jamarra finally coming up through the back entrance that we'd used only moments before. The two of them, as well as Cody, Laith and Aaron were the main culprits of carnage on a night out – none of them had any sense of restrain when it came to living it up in the public eye and I was going to try and make sure they didn't make the same mistakes on a bigger stage.

"You better not be riding our dicks tonight, O'Sullivan!" Laith accused loudly as he launched himself into the booth beside me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, earning an eye roll.

"Do you wanna maybe rephrase that or...?" I asked playfully and shrugged his arm off my back, "But to answer your question – no. You're all adults with... half functioning brains so enjoy the freedom. God knows when you'll get it again back home," I added and shuffled over so the other boys could scoot in.

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now