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"Just one more look before I hang up, please," I begged Mitch who chuckled and flipped his camera around, showing baby Charlotte wrapped up in Emily's arms.

"What a sight for sore eyes," Marcus swooned, tilting his head to rest on my shoulder as we tried to catch one more glimpse of the new parents on face time since we couldn't catch up in person with new restrictions shutting down specific suburbs. Brunswick where Mitch and Emily lived being one of them.

"Mate, we are on cloud nine right now and thanks for calling again. It means a lot that you're checking in with us, especially you Sull. You've been amazing as always," Mitch smiled as he plonked down on the couch beside Emily and looked down with total adoration at his daughter.

"I'm on call 24/7 and if you need help with moving tomorrow, let us know and we'll try and support you guys as much as possible. It's chaotic with this lockdown so hopefully the club lets us know what's going on in the morning," I said to Mitch who couldn't wipe the smile off his face, completely smitten with Charlotte.

"I'm hearing the word hub being thrown around a lot but I'm sure you'll know before us Bonti so keep in touch," He said as he looked up with his piercing blue eyes.

"Will do mate. Take care of yourselves," Marcus replied as I waved goodbye to Emily who was trying to calm Charlotte down who had started whimpering in the background.

"Love you all. Bye," I said as Mitch waved back and I ended the call before looking down at my phone at the influx of messages I was getting from everyone about the new restrictions that were being enforced from Sunday night.

"Apparently Libba and Josie are staying with Tony until they find somewhere more permanent so that's a relief but they're still trying to figure out places for some of the other boys," Marcus relayed and I exhaled a sigh of relief for the Liberatore clan.

"Baz and Cody are packing as we speak and Connor's helping them but Logan just messaged me and said her, JJ and Lola are struggling to find somewhere to go," I frowned, looking up at Marcus in hopes that he might have an idea for what they should do.

"Tell her to message Lizzie and maybe she can help them," He suggested as he tapped away on his phone, eyebrows furrowed together in concentration.

I sighed and threw my head back against the couch, "I'm kinda sad about having to cancel our little engagement party tomorrow night," I pouted, knowing feeling like that was petty in the grand scheme of things but it was still disappointing that Melbourne had found it's way back into the midst of another outbreak again.

"I didn't want to bring that up but I'm gutted too, baby but maybe we can order in and watch a movie... Get a little freaky if we feel like it," Marcus suggested as he tilted his head a little to look up from his phone, wiggling his eyebrows my way.

"Okay, I'm listening..." I teased back as I wrapped my arms around his neck and brushed my hand across his cheek, turning his face towards mine.

"We could do a little red wine perhaps and you could wear what you got delivered the other day because you left the package open on the bed and I got curious," Marcus said with the same low, seductive voice as I leaned forward even more and hooked my leg over his.

"I was going to wear that tomorrow night anyway so that works out perfectly," I said, matching his quiet voice before Marcus ghosted his lips over mine.

"I liked the white one, just in case you were looking for a preference," He said, resting his forehead on mine as a smirk swept across his lips.

I quirked an eyebrow and brought my other hand up to grasp both sides of his face gently, "I already know exactly what you like, baby and I also got another little something today that I don't think you saw," I replied as Marcus placed his phone down on the couch beside him.

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now