one-hundred & forty-five.

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"Could the weather be anymore beautiful?"

Today was a good day. The smiles on all of my favourite faces had returned and it felt like we could finally celebrate the huge win against Brisbane. Marcus had been given the all clear by club doctors and was on a very light training regime, which eased my worries a tiny bit. I was still in protective mama bear mode but I was loosening my grip ever so slightly now that we knew the scans were conclusively positive.

"I actually don't think so," Marcus replied as I turned around and smiled his way.

He was still lounging in bed and I didn't blame him – we couldn't go anywhere even if we wanted to because of the strict quarantine rules in Western Australia but we were still hell-bent on seizing the gorgeous spring day. How could we not with blue skies overhead and 30-degree weather? It was begging for a day spent hanging by the pool or drinking mock-tails at the hotel bar.

"Not sure if I'm brave enough to be seen in a bikini but I am keen to go hang out at the pool later," I stated and strolled back into our room from the balcony that was heating up under the sun already.

Marcus quietly raised an eyebrow and hummed at my confession, "Get your cute butt back into bed so I can tell ya all the reasons I think you're being silly... Why wouldn't you be brave enough to wear a bikini?"

It was my turn to sigh as I crawled back into bed and flopped onto the fluffy pillows that Marcus had readjusted for me, "I just don't want to be seen by someone and photographed. I like that the media hasn't gotten hold of my pregnancy yet and made it into a circus." 

It was only a little white lie because that was part of the truth – the other part I knew Marcus would hate.

"And the real reason?" He pressed, seeing right straight through me.

I narrowed my eyes and tilted my head to the side, "How do you do that?" I grumbled and poked his chest with my finger, absolutely hating that I couldn't hide anything from him.

"Lack of eye contact is a dead giveaway but I can see how much you're struggling... You took half an hour to get dressed for the flight yesterday and ended up wearing a tracksuit," He gently explained and I couldn't fault him for his observations. They were right on the money.

"I've been trying not to let it get me down. And I'm loving everything that's happening – it's just a lot to get used to," I sighed and brushed my hand over Marcus' chin, "But you have to do some kind of physio today and Roz suggested the pool so if it's going to help you, I'm in."

Marcus smiled and bumped his nose with mine, "That's my girl," He whispered before capturing my lips in a soft kiss, "Now, let's actually go down for breakfast today – the coffee down there is better than room service."

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now