seventy-one. *

346 9 2

* 18+ Content Warning

"Great to meet you Adrian. Bobby, say hi to Justine and the kids for me," I said as Marcus walked Bob and Adrian down towards the front door.

"I will. Good to have you back looking after our boy, Sully," Bob replied with a wave before saying his goodbyes to Marcus.

The front door slammed shut before Marcus made his way back down to the kitchen where I was still sitting at the dining table, a smile permanently plastered across my face. I couldn't help but notice how much Marcus had changed just in the month and a half I'd been away. His hair was definitely longer and because pre-season training was nearly over, he looked like he was in peak physical condition even with the loose white shirt hanging from his shoulders.

"Hi," Marcus said suggestively as he walked over to where I was sitting, bringing his hands up to grasp my face between his long fingers.

"Hey," I replied back with the same tone, tilting my chin up so I could look into the mischievous eyes that I had missed so much.

Marcus bent down to capture my pouting lips in a long awaited kiss. It felt like forever since we'd properly kissed with no inhibitions. He was quick to pry open my lips with his tongue as I snaked my hands up the white shirt he was wearing to grip the skin around his ribs. I trailed my fingers over the warm skin and moaned into the kiss before Marcus brought his face away from mine ever so slightly.

"I've missed you," He whispered, ghosting his lips over mine as my fingertips danced across his hipbones and landed on the waistband of the black joggers he had covering his legs.

"I've missed you too, baby," I said back with the same hushed tone as my hand travelled a little further down and could feel that Marcus was already excited about the prospect of where our afternoon was heading.

Marcus chuckled lightly as he stood up straight and pushed his long hair back behind his ears before lowering his voice, "As much as I would love for you to blow me in my kitchen, I think Westy's home..." He informed as I innocently looked up into his lustful eyes and continued to palm him over the thick cotton material.

"That's kind of exciting," I whispered as I bit down on my lower lip and a smirk slowly tugged at the corners of my mouth.

A breathy laugh left Marcus throat as I trailed my hands back up and ever so slightly pulled down the waistband on the loose joggers, admiring how a steamy kiss and a couple of strokes made him as hard as he was. Marcus bunched the hem of his baggy white shirt in one hand while the other brushed across my cheekbone.

"You're so bad," Marcus taunted under his breath as I ran my tongue up the underside of his cock, bringing my fingers up to grip the base to make up for what I couldn't take.

"You should know that by now, baby," I whispered seductively as our eyes reconnected, his bottom lip securely clenched between his front teeth.

As I felt his tip hit the back of my throat, a vulgar moan fell from his lips and echoed through the silent kitchen. Marcus quickly brought his hand up to cover his mouth as he looked down to see my green eyes as wide as his.

"Marcus!" I scolded quietly with a chuckle as I tucked him back into his underwear and gave him a playful nudge, wiping my smirking lips on the sleeve of my hoodie.

"I haven't had sex in nearly 2 months, can you blame me?" He defended with narrowed eyes as he palmed himself to try and calm down his excitement.

"My god," I said in a disbelieving tone as I looked back up at him with a disapproving shake of the head, "You need to get it together, sir," I teased, earning a very dramatic roll of the eyes from my boyfriend.

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now