eighty-five. *

274 8 9

* 18+ Content Warning

I had conjured a pathetic ploy to entice Marcus and it had started in the packing process even before leaving for this trip to Noosa. After having a beer with Tom and the smallest puff of pot that was humanely possible, I had set myself with a seemingly impossible task. Seduce my fiancé.

Liv and I had been able to go shopping the day after the Demons game and buy some new things since most of the clothing we'd brought up to the hub was some variation of lounge wear or work out gear. None of which were suitable for a night out on the town so I had to bring out the big guns. The first point of call and arguably the most important was what was underneath the outfit, which usually was an easy decision to make but with the current circumstances, walking out in front of him naked wouldn't even turn his head in my direction.

All of this in theory seemed like a fun idea but as I retreated to the bathroom, it all started to feel pretty tragic. Here I was standing in front of a mirror, looking at myself in the sexiest dark green lingerie set I could find at Victorias Secret and I was still feeling like I wasn't good enough. All of the years of emotional abuse had seeped into my psyche again and I knew that if I even breathed a word of this to Marcus he would be horrified that he'd made me feel like that, yet I was still too scared to bring it up. Almost as if uttering those words would make it all seem too real.

I shook off those thoughts and tried my best to push through with the plan as I tugged on a pair of sheer patterned stockings and the shortest leather mini skirt known to man. The main part of the outfit was the belted leather jacket that I was going to wear as a dress over the lacy emerald push-up bra, leaving one button too many undone to show a slither of the lace and my sunflower tattoo under my bust. My dark hair was straightened and the dramatic smoky eye make up made my green eyes pop. I was slowly starting to regain a bit of my self confidence back with every second that passed. 

Marcus had gone downstairs to try and find something to eat nearly an hour ago so I assumed he would have to come back up at some point to get ready. As soon as that thought crossed my mind, the bedroom door clicked open and Marcus appeared in the doorway of the bathroom with a bottle of water in his hand.

"Did you eat?" I asked as I continued to look forward in the mirror and apply the dark red lip stain I'd picked out for the outfit.

Marcus placed the bottle of water beside me on the vanity and as I glanced up at his face, the mischievous smirk and the playfully narrowed brown eyes I'd grown to love were looking back at me.

"I did," Marcus started as he reached out to grasp my hips, "You look incredible," He added as both his large hands smoothed over my lower back before pressing up against my backside that was poking out.

"Thanks baby," I replied as his eyes took in my appearance in the mirror, the smile on his face never dropping as I placed the tube back in my make up bag and turned around with his hands still holding my waist.

"Do you like the jacket?" I asked, pathetically fishing for compliments as I gripped the white cotton shirt hanging from his shoulders.

"I love it all. The tights are sexy... You're sexy," He flattered and I felt a surge of relief and maybe a little bit of arousal wash across my body at his words.

"How sexy?" I baited as I snaked my hands around his waist and tilted my head up, motioning for a kiss before he leaned down and pressed a soft one to my lips.

Marcus hummed, "Very, very sexy..." He trailed off before tracing his lips down my jawline and brushing away my hair so he could leave a firmer kiss to my neck.

There was no hiding how desperate I was for him to touch me, even if that meant just a little bit of kissing but when his fingers began unbuttoning the jacket, every nerve in my body lit up. His hands were warm as he pushed the faux leather to the side to expose the push-up bra that I'd picked out especially for him and his eyes widened along with the smirk on his face.

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now