ninety-three. *

299 6 5

* 18+ Content Warning

"It was nice of Bevo to give you today off," I said, linking my hands with Marcus as we strolled along the white sandy Gold Coast beach.

"He was more than happy to and he said to pass on his birthday wishes from him and Dana just in case we get caught up and he doesn't see you," Marcus replied as his curls whirled around his face from the cool ocean breeze.

It was a gorgeous day to be celebrating my 28th birthday and although getting older had become something I despised, it was hard to be mad in such a beautiful place with some of my favourite people. Liv had been throwing up ideas all week for either a big group dinner or some kind of adventure for us all to go on and as much as I loved her thoughtfulness, I was more than content with spending it with Marcus and seeing everyone at the resort for dinner later in the evening. In fact, I was genuinely looking forward to having a quiet one after the crazy year we had all endured.

On an even lighter note, the boys had managed to somehow push themselves into the top 8 with their win against Fremantle last week and were into another elimination final in a weeks time; something that we were all over the moon about but anxiously waiting for. I couldn't have been happier for Marcus and the celebrating post-match after that Freo game was unmatched and possibly the rowdiest we had gotten since being in the hub.

"Well I plan on spending as much time with you as possible because I know next week is going to be intense with the lead up to the final," I replied, trying to tame my hair that was flying around my face and getting caught in the nude lipstick I stupidly applied on a whim.

Marcus nodded and tried not to laugh at my struggle, "I always have time for you though so pull me up if I'm being neglectful," He said before stopping us in the middle of the sandy beach with a soft laugh.

"Here," He said, stepping in front of me and pushing all my hair behind my ears and placing his hands on either side of my face with a sweet smile lining his lips, "Now, don't laugh at me because I'm gonna get serious here for a second," Marcus started as I furrowed my brows, looking up at him through my sunglasses.

"Are you proposing again?" I joked, pretending to look around to see if I was being pranked and the eye roll I was given was so dramatic that I was able to see it behind the sunnies shielding his eyes.

"Proposing on a beach would definitely be a better story than in bed on a random Tuesday morning," Marcus chuckled as I ran my hands over his thin white cotton shirt that was also whipping around in the wind.

"I love our proposal story and wouldn't change it for the world but continue what you were saying and I promise not to tease you too much," I winked as Marcus nodded and brushed his thumbs over my cheeks.

"Well I just wanted to say that I love you and I'm so appreciative for everything you've sacrificed for me this year with moving into my place to quarantine and then coming up here with me so that we could be together and I could still do the thing I love... You have no idea how much it means to me that you would pause your life, albeit there's fuck all to be doing back home but still. It's a huge deal and I'm glad we got to experience this together because I'd be a wreck, especially this week without you by my side..." Marcus trailed off and I couldn't hide the smile that had taken over my entire face.

"I've done a lot of wild things in my 28 years but doing this with you has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life," I replied, smoothing my hands up over his shoulders and bringing his face closer to mine, "And I love you more," I snuck in before pressing my lips to his with a smile.

Marcus' hands traced down my back as his arms wrapped around my lower back, pulling me closer into his body while our lips moved slowly together. It was an unhurried, passionate kind of kiss that wasn't distasteful for public consumption but when we pulled away, I couldn't help but feel slightly light-headed. It was short and sweet but held a significant amount of meaning to both of us as we steadied ourselves and held on to each other. 

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