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December 5th, 2020. 2 months later...

"Oh my god," I laughed as I opened the door to my apartment to find Connor and Liv dressed up as Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson, pretending to make out against the hallway wall.

"You guys look fucking incredible," I gushed, as they pulled apart with uncontrollable laughter spilling from their wide smiles.

Liv smoothed out her tight red latex dress and scoffed, "Look at you! I'm living for these boots," She gasped with her eyes skimming across my outfit as her and Connor made their way into the apartment.

"I'm obsessed with them too," I chuckled as I shut the front door and turned to see Bailey walking out of his room to find out what all the commotion was about.

It was the weekend before Bailey's 20th and one of his friends from high school insisted on organising a celebration for his birthday whilst also commemorating the fact Melbourne was finally out of lockdown. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to throw a party and of course, in typical Baz fashion, the theme was Icons of the 90s.

"Baaaaaaaaz! Holy shit!" Liv screamed as Bailey did a twirl, showing off his Captain Planet costume, which was essentially just blue body paint that we had spent all afternoon applying with a red crop top and some shorts that definitely didn't leave a lot to the imagination.

"You two look hot as fuck!" He yelled as Liv gave him a big hug before handing him a gift bag that presumably had his birthday present in it.

"Let me touch up the green in your hair," I said as I picked up the spray can and gave his gloriously long mullet a quick spray before declaring the look was complete. It was a masterpiece and I was quietly proud of my efforts.

Connor applauded as Cody emerged from the bathroom, "Dude, Rocket Power was my favourite cartoon growing up," He enthused as Cody smiled and looked down at his Otto Rocket costume, definitely loving the fact he got to live out his childhood dreams of being a skateboarder.

"Thanks man. It was either this or Chucky from Rugrats but I reckon a few people will rock up as him," Cody replied before placing his skateboard down and taking a seat on the couch beside Connor.

"Seriously though. Can I have those boots once you're finished with them?" Liv asked as she perched on the arm of the couch with pleading eyes.

"Yes, you can. Actually could you make sure the zip is all the way up on my dress?" I asked Liv who carefully stood up in her 6-inch heels and scooted behind me as I shifted my hair that was up in a high ponytail to the side.

"So if you're Vanessa, please tell me Bonti's coming to this thing as Austin Powers," Connor said with his hands pressed together, praying for my answer to be yes.

I chuckled, "You'll have to wait and see... I actually haven't heard from him about the costume so hopefully it fits," I added as Liv moved away with a smile.

"I will die if he's Austin Powers," Liv warned as I sent her a cheeky smirk, "Are we all ready to go?" She asked as Cody and Connor jumped up from the couch with Baz standing beside me in the full-length mirror beside the front door.

"We look so fuckin' sick," Bailey stated as I tugged down my short, silver metallic dress that came down just below my backside and made sure I was decent before tightening my ponytail.

It was a much racier look that I'd usually go for but one that I was extremely happy with considering Marcus and I both loved the Austin Powers' movies so having an excuse to dress up in costume was a whole lot of fun for all of us. Also I hadn't seen Marcus for longer than an hour since he'd gotten back from what ended up being a 4-week boys trip after we'd stayed for the Brownlow and attended the grand final in Brisbane, so I had a strong feeling that racy was definitely going to go over well with him.

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now