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January 10th, 2021

"Is it weird that I'm nervous?" I whispered to Marcus as we walked through the large glass doors and entered into the foyer of an RSPCA adoption facility in Burwood.

Marcus chuckled and squeezed my hand softly, "Nah, I'm a little nervous too. I just hope we can find someone that'll get along with Mya because she's a bit of a diva," He joked as we followed the signs above and walked down a flight of stairs.

"You say diva but she's just a massive Daddy's girl and you know it," I retorted, glancing up at Marcus' rolling eyes, unimpressed by my accusations.

"We'll just have to level out the playing field then, won't we?" He jested back as I pointed towards the sliding doors that led through to the dog adoption section of the facility.

As soon as we rounded the corner, I couldn't help but feel my heartbreak at all the beautiful animals that were patiently waiting to find their forever home. The overwhelming feeling of emotion caught me off guard as Marcus guided me in, sensing my apprehension as I let go of his hand and linked our arms together, needing to keep him closer as we walked further in. Every single room had an info sheet attached, outlining the dogs name, breed and their likes and dislikes. They were all so sweet and that's when I knew that this wasn't going to be as easy as I thought it would be.

"I want to take them all," I said quietly to Marcus who nodded and looked down into my glassy eyes, his were equally as sad as mine.

"I know," He whispered back as a gorgeous staffy terrier who was jumping up against the glass with their paws sprawled out caught my eye.

"Aw hi," I cooed, finally loosening my death grip on Marcus' arm and walking over to say hello to the energetic ball of fluff that was trying to get my attention.

I noticed a blue sign above her little info sheet that said she'd already been adopted and I couldn't stop the tears welling in my eyes and the sigh of relief that followed when I realised she had found her new family. She was so lively and I could see why somebody had decided to adopt her because she was so excitable and definitely the attention of people as they walked past.

"I think we should find one that isn't as in your face because those are the puppies that always get picked last," I said to Marcus as I stood up and readjusted my jeans that were hanging loosely around my waist.

"I was just thinkin' the same thing. Maybe we could as this lady for help," Marcus said as the lady turned around and sent us a wave, the smile that was evident on her face was hidden behind the mask secured around her ears.

"Hey guys. Are you looking to adopt today?" She asked sweetly as Marcus and I both nodded enthusiastically before she grabbed her clipboard and a pen.

"Awesome well my names Nina and I'll get this form filled out for you so I can keep track of your details. I'll just grab your names and the best contact number," Nina asked as she looked up at both of us, pen at the ready.

"Uh, Marcus..." He trailed off as she scribbled down his name.

"And surname?" Nina asked again, waiting for Marcus to answer.

"Bontempelli... B.o.n.t.e.m.p.e.l.l.i," He spelled out quietly before Nina shot her head up with wide eyes and a soft gasp when she realised who he was.

"I didn't recognise you with the mask and the new hair. I apologise!" She said sweetly as Marcus and I both chuckled.

"Oh, no need to be sorry about that at all. When I cut it I didn't realise that it would make me unrecognisable but that's been one of the perks, for sure," Marcus joked as she handed him the form to write down his phone number instead of reading it out loud.

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