one-hundred & three.

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After a couple of minutes of standing in the kitchen thinking about what the fuck I was going to say to the three people loudly whispering in Connor's bedroom, they emerged with their previously naked bodies fully covered in some form of clothing. Some more covered than others.

Connor was the first to round the corner, entering the kitchen with his hands trawling through his long hair looking visibly awkward as the blonde that I'd become extremely protective of followed closely behind him. Both of them avoiding my direct eye contact as I waited for them to explain what the hell I'd just walked in on.

"Cate, I know this looks really bad but it was all totally consensual," Bailey spoke up as he smoothed down the back of his tangled mullet, eventually looking up at me with his piercing blue eyes.

I scoffed, "I would fucking hope so. I just don't understand what's going on and usually I would say it's none of my business but Baz is a kid, Connor. What the fuck were you thinking?"

"Jesus, Sully he's 20 so don't make me out to be some kind of pedo... It was his fucking idea if we're gonna start pointing fingers," Connor spilled as I turned my attention back to Bailey who was sitting against the back of the couch with his head dipped.

"Was it?" I asked firmly, watching Bailey nod his head for confirmation before I turned back to Connor, "Okay it may have been his idea but there's no way in hell you didn't plant the idea somewhere along the way, mate," I accused as Connor scoffed and threw his head back with a loud laugh.

"So what? He was curious and I'm always down for anything so when he asked whether I'd be down for a threesome, I said why the fuck not? We're all adults here," Connor defensively replied as Paige, who I hadn't seen since leaving the hub, waltzed out of Connor's room with her clothes haphazardly covering her body.

"Always a downer, O'Sullivan," She tutted with the smug smirk I'd grown to despise, "Also, super cute apartment. I'm sure you'll find yourself back here once Marcus realises he can do way better than a washed up druggie," She whispered before pressing a kiss to Connors cheek and brushing past me towards the front door, the smell of her cheap perfume making me gag.

"Great seeing you as always, Paige," I said sarcastically as the door slammed shut, leaving the three of us silently standing in the living room.

"Why her, Baz? After everything that happened last year..." I trailed off as Bailey looked up at Connor who had a small smirk lining his lips. 

"That one was all me, sorry," He defended with his hands up, not even remotely remorseful about bringing the woman who threatened to ruin my life because she was still obsessed with my fiancé.

"So I'll ask you the same question then, why her? Because from where I'm standing there is no reason for you to be fucking around with someone that volatile and disturbed when you could literally have any other woman," I snarled as Connor shrugged.

"Listen, I literally flicked through some of the boys' follow lists on insta so I could hit up a few of the models they were following, which reminds me, your boy is following some insanely hot chicks so maybe have a look in your backyard before you come over here swinging your dick at me," Connor scoffed as I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Firstly, how many fuckin' times do I have to tell you that Instagram and snapchat are NOT dating apps?" I raged, knowing that one-day he was going to slide into the wrong persons DM's and find himself in more trouble than even the best lawyer in Australia could save him from.

"And secondly, I'm sure Marcus isn't following anyone for those reasons and even if he was, I don't care," I lied, feeling a little insecure that Marcus would still be following instagram models after being together for this long.

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now