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"I'll drive," Marcus said as he grabbed his keys and pulled his black cap over his head, looking over at me sitting at the dining table.

I nodded and pressed sent on the message I'd drafted for Tiff, thanking her for everything yesterday and that I would let her know how the appointment went. It was nearly 9am and the appointment wasn't until half past, meaning we had plenty of time to get there and the clinic was only a short drive to Richmond.

"Do you think I need anything else?" I asked Marcus as I stood up, checking that I had my bag and phone.

My brain was a foggy since both Marcus and I were up most of the night chatting about the what if's and once we did decide to go to sleep, we were both tossing and turning. It was nearly impossible to get any sleep with the great unknown hanging over our heads.

"I don't think so..." He trailed off with a pensive expression before I shook my head with a chuckle, realising how ridiculous I was being.

"It's a doctors appointment, why am I being so weird?" I asked rhetorically as Marcus chuckled softly before opening the garage door.

"I think that's just what happens when you're nervous," He smiled, guiding me through the door and locking it behind us.

The drive was spent mostly in comfortable silence. Both of us last night had decided not to jump to any conclusions because rationally if it did turn out I was pregnant, we'd have nine months to worry and organise so until then, we just needed to take it one step at a time.

Marcus indicated into the small car park beside the clinic, slowly driving through and finding a park near the entrance. We were still a bit early and decided to wait in the car until the appointment got closer. I unbuckled my seat belt as Marcus turned his head and glanced over at me, breaking the silence.

"I can see it," He said with a small smile pulling at the corners of his lips.

My eyebrows furrowed, "See what?" I asked, looking out the windows to figure out what he was talking about.

"A family with you," He answered before my eyes landed back him as he watched my expression change through his sunglasses. 

I couldn't help but smile at his confession. Even though both of us agreed that the timing didn't feel right and that an unexpected pregnancy so early in our relationship would make everything incredibly complicated, we both seemed to be on the same page in terms of the things we wanted. Until this point in my life I hadn't even thought about marriage or kids but now when I dream about what my future looks like, I can vividly see Marcus being a big part of it and that was a huge revelation for me.

"Me too," I replied before he leaned forward to meet me halfway for a quick kiss.

"You ready?" He asked as he sat back in his seat and pulled the keys from the ignition, both of us taking a deep breath in unison.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I sighed, squeezing his hand.

+ + +

The clinic was very modern and seemed to be working with some pretty serious state of the art equipment when we walked in to the small room with our doctor. She was warm and incredibly understanding of our situation and also made sure that we knew that we would be supported no matter the outcome of the tests I was about to do. 

"So you've probably gone to the bathroom a million times in the past 48 hours but I'll just get you to give me a sample and I'll test that with the lab kits we have here," She said, passing me a small bag that had a sample container sealed inside.

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now