ninety-six. *

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Content Warning:
This chapter will include mentions of assault, violence and sexual references. It is dark and could be extremely triggering to those who have suffered domestic violence or assault of any kind. You won't miss anything because the events will be mindfully mentioned in the next chapter so p
lease skip this chapter if these themes are upsetting to you. Love you all x

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The sound of light snores humming in my ear woke me up on the slow, lazy morning after Bailey's 20th birthday party. Every fibre in my being wanted to close my eyes and go back to sleep but the gorgeous sight of Marcus' serene face as I tilted my head to the side sent butterflies erupting in my stomach. I gently reached over and pushed the messy curls that were nearly tangled with my hair off his forehead and pressed a soft kiss to his furrowed brow.

I delicately shifted under the sheets so I could reach my phone that had somehow ended up buried under my pillow case to see the time was nearly 10am. I grimaced knowing Marcus was going to be horrified that we'd slept in that long, especially since he was trying to get back into an acceptable sleeping pattern before starting training on Monday.

As much as I would've loved to lay back and watch him sleep off what I could only assume to be a significant hangover because I was also suffering from one, I decided to wake him up so we could at least make something of our day together. I trailed my fingers delicately over his cheek that was exposed to me while the other was squished against the pillow and I could sense that he definitely wasn't in his deep REM anymore, probably because of me moving around on the bed.

A deep groan vibrated against my palm as I brushed my hand over his bare chest, hoping that would soothe him awake without adding to the thumping headache he was probably going to wake up with. After a few seconds his hand came up to clasp around my wrist, stopping my movements before lifting my hand up and placing his slightly parted lips to my fingertips.

"Good morning," Marcus rasped as I watched his brow crease again while he slowly gained consciousness before fluttering his blurry eyes open with a yawn.

"Morning baby boy," I whispered back as he looked up at me with drowsy eyes that appeared to be slightly bloodshot yet still incredibly beautiful. He still looked magnificent in the morning light that was pouring in behind my shoulders and on to his lightly tanned skin.

"You look like an angel," Marcus groaned as he brought his other hand up to rub his eyes, trying to regain some optics as he observed my outline that was also being lit by the sunlight flowing in from the large, open windows.

I chuckled softly at his compliment, "So literally the opposite of what I was last night?" I teased as a small smile appeared on his lips, still with his eyes clamped shut.

Marcus hummed, "That was a new level of filth and to be honest, I didn't think we could achieve that but my god..." He trailed off with a chuckle, recounting the obscenely dirty yet outrageously pleasurable sex we indulged in together last night.

"That's what happens when we spend four weeks apart and I've had resort to my wild imagination," I rasped as Marcus brushed my hair off my shoulder with a loud sigh.

"Well it paid off in wonders last night so maybe distance does make the heart grow fonder," He replied, making me shrug as I smoothed my hand over his bare chest and dipped down to seductively place a kiss on his clavicle that was begging to be shown attention.

"I like having you here and I actually don't think it's possible for me to be fonder of you so I'm gonna have to disagree," I retorted playfully as Marcus opened his eyes with a smirk lining his lips again.

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now