forty-nine. *

310 5 4

* 18+ Content Warning

"I can't believe Libba's having a baby," Marcus said still shocked by the news I'd told him over our first home cooked meal in my new apartment.

It'd almost become ritualistic for Marcus and I to hang out on a Monday night, mostly because he didn't have training the next day until late afternoon and was still in recovery from whichever day they played over the weekend. The boys had flown back after their game in Adelaide on Sunday and even though I could see the drowsiness glazing over his brown eyes, he was still a shining beacon of joy even if he was struggling to stay awake.

"I know but this is top secret and I'm only telling because you're entitled to boyfriend privileges now," I teased, sitting down beside him on the outdoor couch that overlooked the glimmering city skyline and treetops from the balcony.

"What other boyfriend privileges am I eligible for?" Marcus asked curiously while taking a sip of the water I passed to him.

I chuckled, "I'm sure I could come up with a few things that might pique your interest"

Marcus quirked his eyebrow, "I am very interested... Please keep me updated" He smiled back, putting the glass on the table.

"You'll be the first to know... but enough about that, you played so fucking well yesterday," I complimented, running my hand through his long curls.

Marcus smiled up with a small chuckle, "Did you watch?" He asked, reaching over and grabbing my glass from my hands and placing it on the table.

"Yeah I went around to Mitch and Em's to watch it. Mitch made his signature homemade pizzas," I said, shuffling closer to Marcus and laying my legs over his lap.

"That's a bit of fun," He stated, rubbing his hand up the outside of my thigh and brushing his fingertips along the exposed skin from where my bike shorts cut off mid-thigh.

"It was especially fun listening to Jackson and Steph's daughter tell me how much she loves you and that you're her favourite player," I smirked, tucking his hair behind his ear and peering into his tired eyes.

"Well it was Baz last week so I'm happy that I've regained my rightful spot in Sophias heart," Marcus replied, bringing his hand up to my face to guide my lips closer to his.

"Your eyes look pretty in this light," Marcus admired, flicking his eyes up to the dim string lights that lined the small pergola above us.

I hummed with a small smile before capturing his lips sweetly, revelling in the warmth his hand provided on my legs. We stayed like that for a few minutes; stealing kisses here and there and whispering the salacious thoughts that were swirling around our heads into each other's ears.

"I was struggling watching you play yesterday," I breathed between kisses as Marcus pulled my legs off his lap and motioned for me to sit back down and straddle him.

"Oh yeah?" He smirked, tilting his head up to look into my green eyes and snaking his hands around to rest on the sides of my thighs.

"In person it's worse but turns out that even on TV it's too much," I replied, linking my hands around the back of his neck and pressing my chest against his with a strong kiss.

"Well it's a good thing you got those toys back then," He teased, knowing I was still mortified by that and earning himself a punch to the arm.

"They might replace you if you're not careful," I warned with narrowed eyes making a smirk to appear on Marcus' lips.

"You and I both know that's never gonna happen so good try," He chuckled, making a loud scoff escape my throat.

"It's so cute that you think that... I can do a lot of things without you baby," I jested back, now intentionally trying to rile him up and it was working perfectly.

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now