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Sana:  Tzuyu ah..cuddles

Tzuyu: *Ignore sana and walk away*


Sana: *Approach tzuyu* Tzuyu ah let's watch movie together..

Tzuyu: *Goes out from the room*

Next day

Sana: Tzuyu ah feed me please...i'm hungry..

Tzuyu: *Sigh and give her..her foods and goes to her room*

Sana: *Getting hurt* What did i do until she act like this..

That night

Sana: *Saw tzuyu and run to hug her* Tzu why are you ignoring me..what did i do until you act like this..

Tzuyu: *Let go of her hug and give her a painful smile*

Sana: *Look at her with confuse look*

Next day

Sana: Okay i'm so done with this..i'll go talk to her..*goes to tzuyu* ok tzu what's wrong with you..why are you ignoring me..why you didn't cuddles with me..why are you not spending your time with me..don't you love me anymore..please why tzuyu ah..

Tzuyu: Why don't you go and spend your time with dahyun instead..just because i ignore you for 2 days and you act like you don't know..and what about you ignoring me and spend your time with dahyun for almost a week...don't you know what i feel..

Sana: I-i

Tzuyu: If you like dahyun go to her..

Sana: N-no i love you tzuyu ah and i'm sorry...i was ju-

Dahyun: *Come in* Hi babe oh hi tzuyu..*walk away*

Tzuyu: Ohhh so you cheat behind my back..i get it..

Sana: It's not like what you think..we're just friends...i love you tzuyu ah i really do..

Tzuyu: I don't know if it's true or you're just saying that to cover up your mistakes..

Sana: I really mean it tzuyu ah..

Tzuyu: Kiss me then..*saw sana hesitating* I see..you don't love me anymore..it left me no choice but..i'm leaving..*chuckle with her tears start to fall* I-i'll just go now..

Sana: W-where are you going..n-no..don't leave me please..

Tzuyu: I'm going back home to fix myself...i think you too..i promise i'll be back..and i'll get going now..so goodbye for now and see you when i see you

Sana: *sobbing*

Tzuyu: *sigh deeply* come here..

Sana: *goes to tzuyu*

Tzuyu: *hug sana* Don't worry i'm not breaking up with you..how can i live without you...i love you so much sana but i have to leave for a while..i hope when i come home you already fix yourself..wait for me ok..*kiss sana passionately* bye sana and i love you..

Sana: I love you too tzuyu ah and yes i'll wait for you

- Yeah i have no idea why i write this

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