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Tzuyu: Look Sana our relationship are sinking. What we're doing right now feel like it's not like what we used to do. We should take a break from this mess.

Sana: Wha-what no no you can't do this.

Tzuyu: You're changing Sana. You give me cold shoulder and we always argue over simple things then make it as a major problem. I always try to make it up for you but you push me away. I try to give you my attention but you just...*sigh*

Sana: Come on we can fix this.

Tzuyu: I tried already but you....you gave up to be with me. I think we should give time and space for ourselves.

Sana: Are you breaking up with me.

Tzuyu: I have to. I'm tired dealing with this shit Sana. Our relationship are getting worst.

Sana: Just give me last chance to prove you that i'll devote myself just for you.

Tzuyu: Sana..not now..i'm really broken right now..being with you now will make things even worst. I need time and space to fix myself or you can fix yourself too.

Sana: I'm sorry😢

Tzuyu: Everyone make mistakes Sana.

Sana: I can't live without you Tzu so please don't leave me.

Tzuyu: I'm sorry but let's go separate ways for a while and i'll be back like a new born baby. Will you wait for me. I promise i'll be back and bring the love that you'll never expect. I promise you that.

Sana: When are you gonna be back here

Tzuyu: I don't know but if you trully love me..will you wait for me

Sana: Yes🥺

Tzuyu: Promise me you'll never look at someone else

Sana: I promise🥺

Tzuyu: Okay..i'll get going now🙂 take care *hug her*

Sana: I'll wait for you🥺

Tzuyu: Hmm see you next time

Sana: I love you🥺♥️

Tzuyu: Hmm bye Sana

Sana: Have a safe flight😭

Tzuyu: Hmm🙂

- I decide to update today..it's been a long time..i had hard time these past few months or days or weeks...i'm still tired to deal with that shit..sarreh😁

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