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Tzuyu: Hi beautiful..i'm chou tzuyu..what's your name..

Sana: Hi handsome...my name is minatozaki sana..nice to meet you

Tzuyu: Nice to meet you too are you free today

Sana: Yes why..are you gonna invite me to your date

Tzuyu: Well if you want...i just want to get to know you more cause i feel so attracted with you

Sana: In that case i accept your invitation handsome

Tzuyu: Thank you beautiful..mind give your phone number

Sana: Give me your phone..let me type it there..

Tzuyu: *Hand her his phone* Here you go beautiful

Sana: *Save her contact number and name it as Chou Sana💜* Here you go handsome

Tzuyu: Chou sana...sounds perfect

Sana: Well i gotta go call me later bye handsome *wink*

Tzuyu: *Stumble cause of sana's wink* B-bye princess

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