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Tzuyu: Good morning baby sorry i'm late..yeahh traffic i just got into here and i brought something for you...yeah it's your favourite flower...when we used to go on a date...i always brought it for you and you like it so much...

*Put it on sana's cemetery* It's been a year and i miss you so much...*stroke sana's tombstone* I don't know for how long i can survive my days without your smile..your warm hug..your beautiful eyes...your kisses..your laugh..i miss everything about you baby..i still love you and no one can replace you in my heart...only you belong for me...*broke into tears* I want to be with you baby...in another life..i promise to find you and be with you forever..just i don't know for how long i can be in this world...how i wish god can take my life right now so i can be with you...baby promise to wait for me okay and always guide me..i love you so much baby..and you own my heart...i still don't want to go but i have to..i'll just see you later...bye babe..and i love you

- Gosh i don't know why i'm crying writing this

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