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Tzuyu is walking his way to the bar suddenly he heard a girl screaming for help..he followed the girl voice that lead him to the dark alley..he saw a beautiful girl trying to get away from the two men who is trying to kiss and rape her...

Tzuyu being the hero he is...rush his way to save the girl..he punch and kick their balls and drag the girl away from the men..#riptheirbabymaker.. after done..tzuyu bring her to the safe place aka park..he took his leather jacket and give it to the girl..the girl is still afraid to accept the jacket after what happened to her earlier..he lowered his face to level the girl face..at this time..tzuyu fall in love at the first sight..

Tzuyu: Hey hey..it's okay..you're safe now...i'm here okay..don't worry..i'm not going to do any bad...i'm a good guy..here take this and cover your body...next time if you were alone..try to avoid any dark place...it's not safe especially for girls....i'm tzuyu by the way

Sana: I'm sana and n-nice to meet you..

Tzuyu: Nice to meet you too..where is your home..i think i will send you there...i don't want any bad thing happen to you again..but before that...let's eat..i'm kinda hungry..

Sana: A-are you sure..i'm afraid that you'll do anything bad to me..

Tzuyu: Look..like what i said earlier..i'm a good guy..if i'm not..i might let that men do anything to you..

Sana: B-but i don't know if i should trust you..

Tzuyu: It's okay...we're just stranger but hey we can be friends..or bestfriend or whatever you want...so...you want to come..or you want to go home...

Sana: Uhmm..i don't know..

Tzuyu: It's okay i understand what you feel right now..but let me order foods for you so you can eat it later at home..my treat..

Tzuyu being the gentleman he is open the door for the girl..this action make the girl blush for no reason..after done ordering the foods...tzuyu ask again

Tzuyu: So your location...i don't want to let you go home alone again..it's really a painful sight..so lead the way...

Sana again blush by his words..to hide her tomato face..she nod and lead the way..tzuyu walk beside her but not too close not too far..he saw men looking at sana with a hunger and lust...tzuyu whisper to sana..

Tzuyu: Hey is it okay if i put my arm around you..cause you've been stared by a men with lust on their eyes..

Sana: Y-yes...i can feel that they stared at me like that..

Tzuyu put his arm around her and pull her close to him..sana's heart beat faster than usual...she don't know why she feel so safe around him..she feel so perfect and....love✨even though she just met him
When they arrive already...tzuyu smile at her and say goodbye to her..but suddenly..

Sana: Uhmm tzu..

Tzuyu: Yes

Sana: You know it's pretty late already..why don't you stay at my house..

Tzuyu: Uhm i don't know about that..i don't want to make you uncomfortable with my presence...

Sana: Please..you can go home tomorrow..stay with me tonight..

Tzuyu look at her who is now pouting cutely and her puppy eyes...this action make him fall in love with her more...he's trying to control himself not to kiss her pouty lips..

Tzuyu: I-it's okay..beside on what happened earlier..i don't want you to be afraid with me so i better go home..

Sana: No..i feel comfortable around you..i feel so safe..so protect so please..

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