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Satzu: You...yes you...the one whose reading this....scroll down

Satzu: Scroll more

Satzu: Just a lil bit

Satzu: A lil bit more

Satzu: Almost there

Sana: Ok enough....cheer up baby...don't be sad...enjoy your life while it can...don't let toxic people ruin you

Tzuyu: Yeah..remember what i teach you...if you meet a bad person..just avoid it..

Sana: Yeah don't think that you're not good enough for your family or friends or someone special or no one care bout you or no one love you...all of that are wrong..remember that we always love you...about being not good enough...if you think that you're not good enough..try to improve yourself..don't give up

Tzuyu: Even though you have a lot of problem...you can solve the problem slowly and don't think too much about taking your life out..that's not how the problem gonna solve

Sana: The more you grown up..there will be a new challenges...so you have to get ready...

Tzuyu: Also...don't let any hurtful words haunt you that make you not believe yourself..just ignore it..many people always judge us without they knowing about our actual personality..okay just keep on the bright side so you won't get stress or should i say just being yourself..yeah that's what i do

Sana: My baby is right..thats why i fall inlove with her because of her personality...okay please always think positive..not the corona virus..be good to people..be kind..and keep smiling...don't show people that you're weak..show them that you're strong..

Tzuyu: But if you were about to give up..tell it to the person who you really trust...or you can tell us..maybe we can help

Sana: So that's for today...we hope you understand each and every words what we said earlier...

Tzuyu: Yes and don't forget to...stay at home if you're still on lockdown terms...be careful out there..we don't want any of you to fall sick...also always think on the bright side...okay

Satzu: We are satzu and see you next week

Tzuyu: And before that....SANA IS MINE

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