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Tzuyu was sick and had to stay at her dorm..she can't attend the 8th EDaily Culture Awards that make only 7 members to attend it..meanwhile at the other dorm..there is sana who's walking back and forth with worried look on her face..

Nayeon: Geez sana can't you just stay still..you're giving me headaches

Momo: Are you sick

Sana: No

Nayeon: Hungry

Sana: No

Momo: You're nervous cause we will see ONCE

Sana: Yes and no

Nayeon: Then what is it that make you can't stay still while mumbling 'What if'

Momo: Ahhh i get it...you were worried about tzuyu right *smirk*

Sana: She's sick what if she faint while we're gone..what if she vomit on her bed..what if she might fall from stairs..what i-

Nayeon: Stop with what if sana...she'll be fine..she said she's feeling unwell and she will attend our 6th anniversary tomorrow...don't worry..she text me okay..

Momo: What if ONCE is looking for her...jyp still didn't give any statement about tzuyu's condition

Nayeon: Don't worry i'll tell ONCE on bubble..i'm 100 percent sure that ONCE is worried about tzuyu since our maknae rarely didn't attend any event...

Sana: Yahhh i'm so worried right now..i better check on her

Momo: Yeah you should beside...she's your love of your life right *wiggle her eyebrows*

Nayeon: Yeah i'm sure she's happy to see you *wiggle her eyebrows*

Sana: So what💁🏻‍♀️ if she is the love of my life...i'm tzuyu's property..not like you both who still didn't confess to dahyun and jeongyeon unnie..adios gays..i'm going to my tzuyu

Momo: Well maybe i should confess...seeing sana and tzuyu being lovey dovey really make me feel like i'm single

Nayeon: Yeah...let's get ready...we might late

Sana went her way to tzuyu's dorm aka school meal club dorm..she already text them that she's on her way to their dorm...when she arrive sana already know the passcode and get inside

Sana: Chaeyoung ah where is tzuyu

Chaeyoung: Oh luckily you're here...tzuyu don't want to eat..dahyunnie try to feed her but tzuyu still don't want to eat

Dahyun: Sana unnie..tzuyu don't want to eat the porridge i made for her..

Chaeyoung: We try our best to feed her like a baby..still she don't want to eat..maybe you should feed her..

Sana: Alright you both get change already while i feed tzuyu okay..and where's the porridge

Dahyun: I heat up the porridge so it will warm

Sana: Okay

Sana bring the foods to tzuyu's room and knock it before she get inside

Sana: Tzuyu ah~

Tzuyu: Sana..why are you here

Sana: I'm so worried and dubchaeng tell me that you don't want to eat..

Tzuyu: I don't have appetite to eat

Sana: Dahyun make this porridge for you so please eat okay..i don't want you to get sick more..ONCE might worried for you and i'm sure today ONCE will looking for you

Tzuyu: But i'm not hungry

Sana: Tzu listen to me okay...i love you so please eat..i'll feed you..

Tzuyu: I'm sorry for being stubborn

Sana: It's okay...but please listen to me and others okay...we don't want our baby to get sick..

Tzuyu: Okay..

Sana: Now open your mouth i'll feed you

Tzuyu: Hmm delicious

Sana: And you finished the foods..eat your medicine and go back to sleep okay while i'll just wash the dishes

Tzuyu: Okay

Sana went to the kitchen to wash the dishes and get a bowl of water with towel

Dahyun: Did she finished it

Sana: Yup she finished it all

Chaeyoung: Thank you unnie..she's so stubborn and she will just listen to you

Dahyun: Eyy it's because sana is her lover that's why *wiggle her eyebrow*

Chaeyoung: You're right..anyway sana unnie we'll wait for you if you want to talk with tzuyu for a while..

Sana: Okay i'll just clean tzuyu okay

Dubchaeng: Okay

Sana went back to tzuyu's room and saw the latter is sleeping..sana put the bowl down, wetting the towel with water and wipe tzuyu's face..her face is burning..

Sana: Your face is burning..hopefully you recover already so we can attend 6th anniversary tomorrow...even in your sleep you still look beautiful and a baby..

Tzuyu: Hmm i love you sana

Sana smile with her lovely eyes looking at tzuyu..she's lucky that tzuyu is with her..sana tuck her sleep and kiss her forehead

Sana: I'll be going now tzuyu ah...get well soon so we can have fun tomorrow..bye baby and i love you

Sana bring the bowl back to the kitchen and wash it

Sana: Alright lets go

Dahyun: Thank you sana unnie for taking care of her..we try our best but she's you know...stubborn...

Chaeyoung: Yeah thank you unnie..we're so worried for her

Sana: It's nothing but thank you for looking after her...now shall we...

Dubchaeng: Ok letzooo

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