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Sana: *Come home* Baby i'm home

Tzuyu: *Run and hug sana*

Sana: You're clingy today..what happened *chuckle*

Tzuyu: It's not clingy...it's affection because i miss you and i love you..

Sana: Awww but let me take shower first..i'm smelly

Tzuyu: Nooo~~ you smell good..let me hug you

Sana: Let me guess...it's your period time....your period mood aishh but it's okay...i love it when you're clingy..

Tzuyu: Hehehe cuddles

Sana: Of course cuddles you know i really love cuddles especially with you

Tzuyu: Hehehe love yaaaaa *peck sana's lips*

Sana: I love you too my baby yodaaaa~~

Tzuyu: (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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