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Tzuyu: *Sigh* Another day without you..every morning i get to see your cute angelic face but now is all empty..just a memories..how you poke my dimple just to woke me up..whine cause you want more cuddle in early morning..*sigh* i miss you..maybe i should eat breakfast now...

As Tzuyu head downstairs she was surprise there were food had been prepare..she doesn't know wether Chaeyoung or Jihyo prepare this for her but usually if they prepare this for her..they would barge in her room and woke her up but this time no one is here

She was more even surprise to see Sana came out from the restroom looking gorgeous as always with a smile plastered on her face that Tzuyu always miss

Tzuyu: S-sana..it's you...are you really here or am i just dreaming

Sana: *Chuckle* Silly i'm really here but if you don't trust me then i'll go now

Tzuyu: No wait *back hug her* Please don't leave me again..i miss you...i really miss you..2 years without you is a mess..my life become boring when you left me..

Sana: I'm sorry cause i left you and waste our 5 years together just like that..i'm such a fool for leaving you but i promise i will stay with you forever after this

Tzuyu: What happened with Dahyun

Sana: I broke up with her cause my heart still belong to you..my heart screaming for your name everytime i'm thinking about you..that's why i came here for you

Tzuyu: I miss you so much Sana

Sana: I miss you too..would you like to give me a chance to fix this

Tzuyu: Sana...i still love you..i don't want to end up with someone else other than you...you're my love and of course i will give you a chance..

Sana: I promise i'll not leave you again

Tzuyu: I love you so much

Sana: I love you too

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