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In club

Tzuyu: *Sigh*

Nayeon: You okay Tzu.

Tzuyu: Yeah i'm good.

Nayeon: You keep sighing since we came here. Why.

Tzuyu: Nothing unnie .

Nayeon: Okay i respect you but is this something regarding about Sana.

Tzuyu: *Sigh and nod her head*

Nayeon: I see i see.

Tzuyu: I just want to hold her in my arm unnie but seeing people looking at us with disgust look make me insecure.

Nayeon: Don't mind what people see at you. It's your life. Not all people are perfect Tzuyu~ah.

Tzuyu: I don't know unnie..*sigh* Look at Sana..she's happy dancing with that guy. That thing make me so insecure and not sure wether is she happy with me or more happier with different gender.

Nayeon: What make you so insecure Tzuyu~ah.

Tzuyu: That guy can give her family without any worries or disgust. Being in a relationship with same gender is hard unnie. What people see of us are sin.

Nayeon: Sin or not that's depends on you. People make sins without knowing. They're not the who decide if we go to hell or heaven. We're just human. So don't worry about what people saying. Don't think too much just prove your love to Sana in any way without minding what people say. If you love her...fight for it...i know being in love with same gender have so many challenges. Please be strong okay.

Tzuyu: *Sigh* i just..*sigh* i don't know unnie.

Nayeon: Hey hey hey..it really take a big time and courage to come out..do it slowly.

Tzuyu: If this doesn't work out..i think-

Nayeon: If Sana know..she will call you a coward and for the rest of your life you might feel regret for letting ball of sunshine fly away.

Tzuyu: *Sigh*

Nayeon: Tell me Tzuyu~ah..do you really love Sana with all your heart.

Tzuyu: I love her so much unnie. I really really love her.

Nayeon: How did you know that you really love her

Tzuyu: Seeing her smile, hear her laugh just because of me really flipping my heart upside down. In this world, she's the most gorgeous woman other than my mom. The thought of having her for the rest of my life really excite me until i want to jump from the building. Seeing her sad, cry or heart broken really aching my heart like my heart getting stab for millions time. I would do anything just to make her happy and feel the love that i gave her.

Nayeon: Then fight for it. Don't lose someone you love just because of people around you. Don't be such a coward. Just imagine you're the guy in this relationship. At least she saw you like you're the man for her.

Tzuyu: i will unnie..i will not let my ball of sunshine go.

Nayeon: Now how about you show your love for her right infront of the people if you're ready.

Tzuyu: I..i'll try.

Nayeon: Now go...do it for your love..fighting.

Tzuyu: Yess *walk toward the dj* Hey can you slow down the music cause i want to say something for a while.

Dj: Yeah sure.

Tzuyu: Uhm uh hi..i just want to say a little bit..Minatozaki Sana..

Sana: *Whisper* W-what are you doing Tzuyu~ah.

Tzuyu: I'm standing up here right infront of i don't know how many peoples but i just want to say...i love you Sana...i love you so much until it hurt me so much that i can't show my love for you on public. I want to do what normal couple do. I'm sick of hiding it like a coward people. I know you might be surprise on why i did this. I don't want you to think that i'm such a coward person. Afraid of judgement from peoples eyes. I don't care what they said. All i want is you Sana. To love you until my last breath. Once again, i love you so much Sana. Thank you for this night and you guys can continue the party.

A round of applause and wistle were given as soon as Tzuyu step down from the stage.

Sana: Y-yah...that was so embarassing. Why all of sudden you did that.

Tzuyu: I just want to show my love for you

Sana: Love..you don't need to do it just because you afraid that you might lose me. No Tzu i'll not gonna let you go after how many times and year i try to pursue you. But now some people know that we're not straight...let's not mind what people say about us...i don't want negativity ruin our relationship. I love you so much until i can't even wait to get marry with you😊.

Tzuyu: I can't give you kids😣

Sana: There are so many ways to have kids Tzuyu~ah. I don't want anybody else but you. I want you. Just you. You and i in this world together.

Tzuyu: *Sigh in relief* Thank god finally i can breath properly. I kept thinking wether you'll mad at me if i confess my love for you right infront of these peoples

Sana: Never in a millions time i would broke up with you just because of that. Tzu..there is no other person in this world that i want to be with. I just need you in my life okay.

Tzuyu: Let's go home shall we

Sana: Let's go🥰

Nayeon goes to Tzuyu: *Whisper* I told ya

Tzuyu: Thanks for the talk unnie😊

Nayeon: Anytime Tzu

Sana: Anyway i'm sorry if you didn't enjoy the party..

Tzuyu: You enjoyed it until you dance with that guy

Sana: At least i didn't touch him

Tzuyu: If not..i'll punish you

Sana: On what way

Tzuyu: Hmmm i'll not tell you

Sana: Fine now let's go...i want to sleep

Tzuyu: Okay princess

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