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Chaeyoung: Tzu..how much do you love Sana unnie..

Tzuyu: More than my words..i always love her...she's my first priority..day by day...i'm in love with her more....

Chaeyoung: It's been like more than 5 years you were together...don't you have plan to marry her..

Tzuyu: Chaeng i already told you that we're married already..it's almost 2 years..aigoo did Mina unnie make you this tired until you forgot that we already married...

Chaeyoung: I'm sorry i forgot about it but yeah Minari really make me tired..but not tired of love..it's tired what we're doing every night..

Tzuyu: Oh gosh you horny couple..go get married already..

Sana: Oh hi Chaeng hi babe..what are you talking about..*sit on tzuyu's lap*

Chaeyoung: Talk about how much tzuyu love you..

Tzuyu: And Chaeyoung being horny..

Sana: How much you love me baby...

Tzuyu: You want me to show you how much i love you..

Sana: Of course baby..show me..

Chaeyoung: Yah get a room..

Tzuyu: This is our house..so...

Chaeyoung: Ok fine...i'll go home now love birds...

Tzuyu: Say the one who's tired everyday...

Sana: Come on Tzu show me..oh Chaeng don't forgot to lock the door before you go...we don't want anyone to disturb us

Chaeyoung: Ok ok i'll get going...geez horny couple..


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