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Sana: Tzu how much do you love me

Tzuyu: Look at the night sky count how many stars and that how much i love you..

Sana: Okay..one, two, three, four, five, six...

Tzuyu: *Face palm* You really gonna count that stars

Sana: *Nod* ten, eleven...


Tzuyu: *Saw sana still counting* You really count the stars baby...that's way too many *carry sana with bridal style to her room*

Sana: Hmm baby~ i'm tired of counting, lets sleep..

Tzuyu: The stars is infinity baby how come you can count it...my love for you are uncountable just like the millions of stars..now let's sleep..goodnight baby *kiss her forehead*

Sana: *Smile while her eyes are closed* I...love you

Tzuyu: I love you too

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