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Sana: I just want everybody to be happy..

Tzuyu: You know people these days...taking everything seriously...

Sana: *Sobs*

Tzuyu: Shhh it's okay..let it all out..you're gonna be okay..you're not alone sana unnie...we all are here...you have 2 unnies..3 friends and 3 younger sister..we always here for you..don't worry...people these days take everything seriously..it's okay sana unnie..it's okay

Sana: Thank you for always listening to me tzuyu ah

Tzuyu: My pleasure unnie..i don't like to see our bubbly sana unnie to be sad..she's always happy and excited about everything..

Sana: *Chuckles* Thank you so much for always being with me..

Tzuyu: *Smile showing her dimple* Let's go eat unnie

Sana: Lets go

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