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Tzuyu just saw her girlfriend kissing with other girls, she was just about to order some coffee suddenly she saw her girlfriend outside the cafe

Her happy mood ruin cause of that, when they were about to get in, Tzuyu run to the restroom to hide from them but she can't stay longer inside the restroom so she ask the worker if she can go out using the 'STAFF ONLY' door luckily they were to kind to let Tzuyu go out that way..she thank them and went to the convenience store to buy bottles of alcohol

When she done..she head to her favourite place where she always hang out to let out all her feelings..she sit nearby the tree and look the sky

"My heart is aching right now...how could she cheat on me *drink* tsk what did you expect when i'm not good enough for her and now she's with someone else behind my back *chuckle bitterly* my happy mood turn into like this.." Tzuyu sob and continued to drink. Shr let her tears fall and stare at the sky while drinking. Later on her phone suddenly ringing making her jump.

*Phone ringing*

"Tsk what now..do you think i would answer that *chug her drink* this heart don't want to see you right now nor hearing your voice now..how i wish i could disappear from your life right now" Tzuyu finish drink one bottle and open a new one

"Why is it so hurt when you saw your lover cheating behind your back..it feels like...i can't even explain right now..all i feel was like i were hit by a cars then getting stab then get shot..so all this time she was busy with someone else everytime i invite her to go on a date..or could worse she actually don't love me..ooooo i hate liar.."

"You really know how to pain my heart huh Sana...cheat behind my back..lie to me..you already know i hate liars..." She finish drink her second bottles, she stood up and throw the bottle at a tree until it break into pieces..some of the pieces hit Tzuyu's hand causing it to bleed but she didn't feel it cause her heart is in pain..

"Why..why..why is it hurting me..." She fell on her knee and cry so hard "Maybe i love her so much that's why.." She cry so hard until she can't breath properly

*Phone ringing*

Tzuyu look at the name, she calm herself for a few second and answer the call

"Yes Chaeyoungie" Tzuyu control her voice for not sounds like she was crying

"Tzu i just saw Sana with Dahyun...did you two break up..cause i saw they were kissing but don't worry they didn't saw me earlier"


"Tzu...are you there"


"You okay...you want me to go there"

"No don't"

"Too late i head there already and there you are" Chaeyoung hung up the call and head towards Tzuyu

"DID YOU DRINK" Chaeyoung shockingly ask as she saw bottles of beers in the grass

"Chaeng we're not 17 anymore...we're 22 now..so wanna join me"

"No thank you..who's gonna drive you home...so tell me did you two broke up"

"No.." Chaeyoung nod her head..

"Just cry Tzu let your pain fly away..it must be hurt..i'm here chingu..i'm here" Chaeyoung hug her as Tzuyu cry her heart out

"Its hurt..she even lie to me..you know me right Chaeng..i hate liars"

"She lied cause she don't want you to be sad..she did that cause she want you to be happy"

"She could just say she can broke up with me instead lying to me"

"Maybe she's afraid to let you go..half of her want Dahyun and half of it she want you too"

"But she can't love two person at once"

"You know her Tzu...she's a snake" Chaeyoung joke around to lighten up Tzuyu's mood "So where are you staying right now.."

"Can i stay at your place for a while but don't tell Sana about this..i want to know if she is looking for me or not"

"You can stay there as long as you want Tzu but don't be mad if we're flirting"

"Thank you Chaeyoung-ah for helping me..through my hard times"

"Anytime for my chingu..now let's go home cause you smell alcohol right now you're not drunk right.."

"I'm sober"

"Oh my god what happened to your hands..it's bleeding"

"Don't ask about it" Chaeyoung zip her mouth as she help Tzuyu to stand up


"Home it is but remember if Sana text you or Mina just tell her you don't know okay"


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