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Sana: Enjoy your day Ms. Chou

Tzuyu: I'm not enjoying it

Sana: W-why..does our service is bad i'm sorry we will try to improvise it

Tzuyu: No not that...your service is amazing it's just that

Sana: What is it Ms. Chou

Tzuyu: I don't have someone to enjoy my day with...would you like to go out with me

Sana: I would like to go but...i still have work

Tzuyu: *Pout* When is your shift done

Sana: Midnight

Tzuyu: WHAT no i'll talk to your manager cause i'll be taking you out today

Sana: B-

Tzuyu: Don't worry i'll handle it


Tzuyu: See cause i'm the owner of this company so why not *grin*

Sana: But i haven't see you around

Tzuyu: Cause i was at my hometown for 3 years and i decide to come back here and..i met this pretty girl that's why i want to invite her

Sana: *Blush*

Tzuyu: Look at her blushing..how cute...go get change cause i'll be waiting for you ;)

Sana: O-okay

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