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Tzuyu: I promise you that i will always love you..*hold sana's hand* take care of you, be honest with you *Kiss sana's hand* and spend every single moment of my life under the shadow of your unconditional love *In tears* please wake up love..it's been almost 3 years...i miss you already..you always come into my dream..but you still haven't wake up...wake up for me love

Sana: *Moving her fingers*

Tzuyu: L-love..

Sana: *Open her eyes*

Tzuyu: Wait i'll call the doctor..


Doctor: She's fine now..but she have to stay until she's fully recover..she still need help to do her routine like walking..moving her body..you know it's been 3 years she's laying on the bed

Tzuyu: I understand

Doctor: But most importantly that she need you the most..i'll leave you two for now..call me if anything happen to her

Tzuyu: Okay thank you doctor

Doctor: My pleasure

Tzuyu: Love

Sana: Hmm

Tzuyu: You remember me right

Sana: Of course tzuyu ah

Tzuyu: *In tears* I-i miss you so much...i'm sorry i couldn't protect you that time...i'm sorry i can't be there for you..i'm sorry for leaving you alone at the house..i'm sorry for not staying with you..i-i..

Sana: Shhhh it's okay tzuyu ah..i understand..it's not your fault...

Tzuyu: It's my responsibilities to protect you..take care of you..and i...really regret for leaving you..

Sana: Tzuyu ah...don't worry i won't leave you

Tzuyu: I-i'm sorry for everything..i know i'm not good enough..i don't deserve you..

Sana: Love..it's okay...we can't predict anything that will happen..alright..the most important thing right now is i already woke up okay..

Tzuyu: I love you and i'm sorry..

Sana: I love you too 

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