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Tzuyu: Hi unnie..

Sana: *Blushing*

Tzuyu: Unnie are you okay..your face is red..

Sana: A-ah i'm okay tzuyu ah...it's just that it's hot yeah so hot...fuuhh

Tzuyu: Then i'll call manager unnie to-

Sana: No it's okay...

Tzuyu: Okay i'll get going first unnie see you later..

Sana: N-no wait..stay here with me...

Tzuyu: Sure..

Sana: Uhm can i hug you..

Tzuyu: Okay come here

Sana: So warm..i like it

Tzuyu: You love to hug unnie of course you like it..

Sana: Especially it's a hug from the person who i love...

Tzuyu: Shhh unnie don't to loud...we might get caught by manager unnie..even worse dispatch..

Sana: Okay okay..i'm sorry *chuckle cutely*

Tzuyu: Aigoo you're cute..*whsiper* I love you baby...

Sana: *Whsiper* I love you too

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