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Chaeyoung: *Saw tzuyu looking at something* Tzuyu ah what are you looking at...

Tzuyu: I'm looking at my girl but look at her...what do you think she's doing..

Chaeyoung: *Look at sana then tzuyu* You know she just cheat on you..why don't you break up with her..

Tzuyu: Cause i love her and i can endure all the pain...

Chaeyoung: But what if she doesn't love you anymore...

Tzuyu: It's okay i can do this....but if i can't take it anymore then...i have to let her go...

Chaeyoung: It's okay chingu...i'll be there for you okay..stay strong *Hug tzuyu* let it all out...just cry tzuyu ah..i know you try to hold it...and i know it's hard to let go of the person who we love so much..but if you keep them..it's hurting you more..

Sana: *Come in* Oh hi chaeng..tzu why are you crying...*try to go to tzuyu*

Tzuyu: It's nothing...anyway i'll just go out for a while...*Goes out*

Sana: Why is she crying..

Chaeyoung: It's nothing..you don't need to know...

Sana: I know you're hiding it chaeyoung just tell me i'm her girlfriend..

Chaeyoung: Pfft girlfriend...tzuyu know you hide something from her...excuse me i need to find tzuyu..

-Should i continue...just comment below..eh

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