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Sana: I got a man but i still want you

Tzuyu: Nye nye nye

Sana: I know you want me just like how i want you

Tzuyu: You just need pleasure

Sana: I can't help it..i want you

Tzuyu: Then go to your man not me..i hate it when someone want me just for pleasure

Sana: Please i'm begging you

Tzuyu: Nye nye nye..if you have a man already go to him..aren't you afraid that you might be called cheater

Sana: If is it you who i'm cheating with then i don't mind..it's worth it to be with you

Tzuyu: Stop playing with my feelings..did your forget that you have him Sana..

Sana: He's nothing i just use him for cover up

Tzuyu: Then you want me just for sex..you used me too

Sana: No it's because i like you

Tzuyu: If you like me then why are still with that guy

Sana: I told you it just for cover up

Tzuyu: *Sigh* Does he know about this

Sana: Yeah he know about it...he also like his friend..so pleasure me please

Tzuyu: *Sigh* But what if one day you both fall for each other

Sana: That can't be happen so baby please

Tzuyu: Then get strip baby *smirk* i'll pleasure you

Sana: Oh yes daddy i can't wait🤤

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