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Sana: Chou's Residence hello

Tzuyu: Love

Sana: Tzuyu..Love i miss you

Tzuyu: Love i miss you too but hey i don't have many time so please listen okay..now remember all the insurance and bank's information on the computer

Sana: In the folder name boring crap..i know...what's going on Love why are you....wait...don't tell me

Tzuyu: Yeah

Minju: Is that daddy

Sana: Yup..come say hi honey

Minju: Hi daddy

Tzuyu: Hi Minju

Minju: I miss you

Tzuyu: I miss you too baby

Minju: When are you coming back home

Tzuyu: I'd give anything on Earth to be down there with you and your mommy right now..you know that right

Minju: But you're not even on Earth

Tzuyu: *Laugh bitterly* You're so funny..Minju can you make me a promise...promise you'll do whatever your mommy says..always give her a hand when she needs help..

Minju: I promise

Tzuyu: Good...i want you to know that i love you and your mommy so much..more than anything..

Minju: Mommy's crying

Sana: I'm not...i'm not crying baby

Tzuyu: Look out the window..and wave up at the sky

Minju: *Giggles* Why..we can't see you

Tzuyu: But i can see you..and i want you to know..i'll always be up here looking over both of you okay

Minju: Yes daddy...i'm waving

Tzuyu: I'm waving back baby

Minju: *Laugh* You're silly..daddy are you there...daddy...daddy


Sana: *Mumbles* I love you Tzuyu~ah and always will *hung up the call*

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