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Tzuyu: Hmm

Sana: Yes?

Tzuyu: I've been thinking

Sana: What is it baby

Tzuyu: That why i'm the only who post our selca on bubble and instagram like you rarely post our photo together

Sana: Hmmm

Tzuyu: Come on we always take photo but you didn't post single any of it

Sana: Because i want to treasure it..only me..everytime i post it..i always read the comment section that TZUYU AH MARRIED ME, CAN I BE YOUR DOG, MY LOVE, MY BABY, MY WIFE IS SO BEAUTIFUL and so on

Tzuyu: You're jealous right

Sana: Of course..i don't want anyone to take what is mine

Tzuyu: Hey i'm not yours...my mom own me like she gave birth me

Sana: Not that..you are my baby

Tzuyu: Everyone baby

Sana: Yeah but still you are my precious baby that i really really love

Tzuyu: But post one or two selca won't hurt right

Sana: Fine on satzu day

Tzuyu: Hehe i'm sure Once would craving for our photo

Sana: Cause our picture is special

Tzuyu: Yeah i know..you mention it almost everytime we took a picture anyway i gotta go work see you later baby

Sana: It's still early

Tzuyu: Yeah manager unnie text me that she's arrive..so see you later

Sana: Kiss

Tzuyu: Okok mwahhh bye *Run*

Sana: Yah i want real one


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